Osun judicial panel of inquiry: Slain boy’s parents demands N5b compensation

The parents of the late Idris Ajibola, who was allegedly chased to death by yet-to-be-identified police officers, said they are seeking justice to serve as a deterrent to erring security officers in the country.

The parents of the deceased said this as the Osun Judicial Panel of Inquiry on Police Brutality, Human Rights Violations and Related Extra Judicial Killings resumed hearing on Friday.

Mother of the deceased, Mrs. Titilayo Ajibola, while addressing journalists after she tendered some documents as exhibits through her counsel before the panel, insisted that the Police and other related authorities must fish out the killers of her son and pay the family a sum of N5billion as compensation.

This is even as the panel disclosed that it had received two more petitions, making it 34 petitions before it. The panel adjourned the Ajibola case to 19th of February for further hearing.

Mr. Kehinde and Mrs. Titilayo Ajibola, had approached the panel to seek justice for the killing of their son. Addressing newsmen at the venue, the counsel to the petitioners, Kanmi Ajibola, said the parents insisted on the payment of N5billion as compensation to teach the police an unforgettable lesson.

He said: “We have two prayers before the panel. One, we are asking that the killers, the chasers that chased the deceased to death, be investigated and brought to book.

“And secondly for somebody to have nurtured a promising son whose life was untimely terminated, we should be given a sum of N5billion as damages to teach two lessons.

“Though we understand the fact that no amount of money can quantify the soul of the deceased, we felt that it was necessary for the parents of the slain to be adequately compensated.

“Doing this is for them to go and protect the lives and property of the citizenry, and not to take their lives or victimise them.”

Asked if he had confidence in the panel to dispense justice, Kanmi said the outcome and recommendation of the panel would determine the next line of action on the case.

Corroborating her counsel, Ajibola said the request for the huge sum of money was aimed at quantifying what the deceased would have done for them if not killed untimely.

The panel however struck out the petitions filed by three other petitioners. They are: Mr. Michael Ibukun Koyejo; Mr. Agboola Segun and Chief Jelili Adegoke Raheem, all against the Osun State Commissioner of Police for lack of diligent prosecution.


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