Our achievements are clear for all to see – Sonaira Business World CEO

Chief Executive Officer of Sonaira Business World, Sonia Omon-Obehi Ovuehor.

Founder, Sonaira Business World, Sonia Omon-Obehi Ovuehor, has said the achievements her business has recorded over the years in critical sectors of the economy are clear for all to see.

Ovuehor, a postgraduate student of the Igbinedion University,  Okada, is a self-made business icon who has done a lot in the transformation of the nation’s economic landscape.

Ovuehor incorporated Sonaira Business World in 2017 and the business has since diversified into many arms, including production and marketing of natural skincare products, human hair importation and supply, production, sales and supply of adult and children’s clothing, and sales of adult pleasure toys, among others.

There is also a real estate arm with sole interest in the sale and development of housing projects, real estate consultancy, as well as a haulage wing with a capacity to run a courier service to any part of the world.

Since its establishment, Sonaira Business World has earned accolades in the areas of mentorship, provision of job opportunities for students, fresh graduates, and mothers, among others.

In a recent media session with journalists, Ovuehor noted that the height attained by the conglomerate today was preceded by lots of struggle at the beginning.

“We started with skeletal services in 2015 but started fully in 2017. Sonaira Business World has experienced enormous challenges – theft, fire incidence, and other setbacks that I can’t begin to name here.

“Despite these setbacks, Sonaira Business World has never stopped conquering and overcoming the negative storms that life and the business climate have thrown at us. We can beat our chest to boldly say that our clientele base is strong and keeps growing every day. This is the reason we regard our clients as a family,” she said with a glint of satisfaction.

While noting that Sonaira Business World was borne out of a genuine desire to make a difference, Ovuehor says she’s never in self-denial of the reality that succeeding in business, especially in Nigeria, comes with a stubborn determination to squeeze water out of stone.

While recalling that the first challenge that confronted Sonaira Business World was gaining customers’ trust, she noted that it was finally overcome with focus and determination.

“It (gaining customers’ trust) was a major problem and it was so evident when we started as an online store. We also had challenges that hinged on getting reliable logistics companies to carry out our shipping and courier operations around the world,” she recalled.

Ovuehor called on heads of start-ups to learn from Sonaira Business World, particularly how it was able to push through lots of difficulties to get to where it is today.

“We agree that Nigeria is extremely tough for business ventures due to her depreciating economy. Nevertheless, we’ve imbibed an optimistic culture at Sonaira Business World,” she said.

“Our eyes are placed on the future because it’s better to look forward than backward. This spirit and vision have kept us moving on through the toughest times,” she stressed.


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