Over 10 million Nigerians escape poverty in three months

Over 10 million Nigerians have escaped the poverty line, the latest data by World Poverty Clock has revealed.

The last report by the World Poverty Clock in November 2020 showed that over 105 million Nigerians were living in extreme poverty.

However, the latest data shows that about 10% of the people in the poverty bracket have escaped poverty as at Wednesday, February 3 2020.

Nigeria currently has 90,968,877 people living in extreme poverty.

An individual is classified as living in extreme poverty if the person earns below $1.90 or N855 a day.

The latest report also disclosed that Nigeria is no longer the world poverty capital after being overtaken by India – which has over 30 million people plunged into poverty within three months when over 10 million people escaped poverty in Nigeria.

World Poverty Clock stated that the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic is reflected in the latest data of the countries captured in the report.

The report shows that Nigeria is closing the gap on gender parity in the poverty ration in the country. About 45,998,689 men in poverty represents 43% of the people in poverty with the same percentage of female who are about 44,970,188.

World Poverty Clock said Nigeria’s population is 209,724,544.

