Over The Weekend: #AWCABIG60 Thursday 24th – Sunday 27th December, 2015

Over the long holiday, which starts today, the #AWCABIG60 event is the place to be, save on Christmas day itself. With art exhibitions, culinary delights and high-life music, the BIG60 doors are open for you and your family and friends to enjoy .

On Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th December the art exhibition 21 Heads Of Kadara Enyeasi by Kadara Enyeasi. Also happening on Thursday is The Highlife Story, follow us through a journey of discovery as we explore the origins of Highlife from Ghana to Nigeria.


By 6 pm Chef Seuny would host the #AWCABIG60  Café.


On Saturday the 26th of December from 6.00 – 11.00 pm there would be a  Pop-Up Boutique Night with Revolution by Yetty D, Honey Pot, Ladyee Boutuque and Simeogieme. Be at the  fashion night with concession items from our amazing fashion vendors.


On Sunday 27th of December 7.30 & 9.30PM , Kitchen Butterfly would host the #AWCABIG60 Café. And here we go, the last chef of the #AWCABIG60 installation and her kitchen is fully booked!

Ozoz Sokoh a.k.a Kitchen Butterfly is passionate about food in its entirety – cooking, eating, dreaming, writing and photographing it. She considers herself a ‘Traveller, by plate’, using foodways – the social, cultural and economic practices relating to the production and consumption of food to explore the world for ‘Food is more than eating’. Her dream? Establish The Culinary Institute of Nigeria – a resource centre where professional culinary education on classic and New Nigerian cuisine is shared, deepening our knowledge of ingredients; techniques; dishes; and documenting it.

Her kitchen is fully booked, but if you are curious, you can check out her mouthwatering menu HERE.

