Oyetola, Hamzat, others urge peace, co-existence at Sallah

Osun State Governor Gboyega Oyetola (right), acknowledging cheers from Muslim faithful during the Eld-el-Kabir prayers at the Osogbo Central praying-ground… yesterday.

Want Nigerians to dedicate selves to national development

Lagos State Deputy Governor, Dr. Kadri Obafemi Hamzat, has urged Nigerians to embrace peace with one another as the nation’s economy can only thrive in a peaceful and tranquil environment.

The deputy governor, who spoke during the Eid-el-Kabir prayers held at the Dodan Barracks Praying-ground in Obalende, Lagos, opined that peace is a pre-condition for stability and economic development in any society.

According to Hamzat, for the nation’s economy to grow, there must be peace in the country, stating that insurgency brings about war, poverty and under-development.

He further appealed to Nigerians to abide with the principles of fairness and care for one another, stressing that if all these are done, there will be peace in the country and insurgency will be a thing of the past.

In his sermon, the Chief Imam of Lagos, Sheikh Sulaiman Oluwatoyin Abou Nolla, implored all arms of government in the country to discharge their duties without favour and discrimination, as they would be held accountable for everything they do on earth.

The cleric added that the government should see religious leaders as partners in reaching out to the vulnerable and less-privilege in the society.

He urged all Islamic faithful to continue to observe the value of humility and self-reformation to turn good values into permanent features of their lives.

ALSO, the Oyo State Deputy Governor, Rauf Olaniyan, yesterday, urged citizens and residents of the state to live in peace and coexist in harmony.

Olaniyan, who spoke with journalists after the Sallah prayers at the Central Eid Praying-ground in Ibadan, urged the people to be patient with government and also emulate the life of Prophet Ibrahim.

IN the same vein, Ogun State Governor Dapo Abiodun while addressing Muslim faithful at the Lantoro Central praying-ground in Abeokuta, expressed hope that Nigeria would come out of its daunting challenges stronger.

The governor also asked residents to relate with one and another peacefully irrespective of their religious affiliation.

SIMILARLY, Osun State Governor Gboyega Oyetola, who joined other Muslim faithful in Osogbo to observe the Rakaat Eid-el-Kabir prayers, charged Nigerians on religious tolerance, peaceful co-existence and good neighbourliness.

He also urged Muslims to extend hands of fellowship to the less privileged and charged them to continue to abide by the significance of the festival and take it as their way of life.

In delivering the Eid-el-Kabir message of the Senate while addressing journalists after praying at the Osogbo Central praying-ground, the Senate’s spokesperson, Ajibola Basiru, who is representing Osun Central Senatorial District, urged Muslim faithful to pray for the leadership of the country.


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