Palestinians restate call for own independent state


TO mark its 2015 International Day of Solidarity, the Palestinian people have once again, called for their establishment and recognition as a nation.

Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Nigeria, Saleh Fhied, while addressing a small gathering to mark the day on Sunday, called on the support of global and regional bodies such as the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU) and Africa, to continue to give their support and lend their voices to this course.

While thanking the world for its support so far, the Palestinian ambassador also called on the global powers, including the United States of America (USA), to compel Israel to stop its occupation of Palestinian ancestral land, and to stop the violence against its citizens.

The Palestinian people are asking the world to compel Israel to respect the 1967 boundaries, which put Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital.

“We call on all members of the international community to undertake immediate action and adopt punitive measures and initiative required to hold Israel to account for its blatant violation of international law. In addition, we call on them to support our efforts in seeking a United Nations Security Council resolution to set a timeframe to ending the occupation and establishing the independent Palestinian state on 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital.”

“Time is not on our side and the Palestinian people cannot afford to wait as Israel succeeds in destroying the two states solution and establishing Greater Israel on historic Palestine. The Palestinians reaffirm that they will not allow the reality of walls, wanton violence and discrimination to stand on their way. They shall march forward building where the occupier destroys. Our commitment to exercising our inalienable right to self-determination is unwavering.”

