Parenting and pornographic addiction among youths

Sir: Some months ago, there was a trending challenge on social platforms where ladies made posts, dancing naked using a deemed red bulb light. The challenge tagged, “silhouette challenge,” is indisputably moral decadence perhaps because of poor parental care that has sunk our morality and virtue into shameless acts. 
Obviously, as it is, the situation has been observed for many years. I witnessed devastating issues about how young people are becoming disrespectful and loose, especially girls who dash out their precious dignity at a very young age to an attitude seen as a ‘‘normal thing and no big deal.’’

The technological era has exposed many young people to harmful things. Years back, it’s very abnormal for us to do things without being monitored by our parents, especially, our sisters who are always at home. In the past, after coming back from school, not all such unnecessary outings like going out to events used to be allowed; our parents were very cautious and observant. Sadly, however, with time and transition in cultural practices, parents have lost guard. 

It’s now normal for teens to have uncontrolled fun. Doing this, many of them smoke shisha and see it as a fashionable thing. The girls are always looking for material things and some boys are into drug abuse and womanising, which lead to the destruction of their careers. Where are the parents? Have they forgotten their responsibilities as guidance to us or is it because they love us and didn’t want to enforce us? I wonder what the root cause of their negligence is!

It’s disturbing seeing how our young ones take up bad adventures, becoming what couldn’t be described under morality. These are contrary to our religious and cultural norms. 

Recently, leaked sex videos of teenagers have been going around social media of girls being exposed by friends. This is worrisome! I often ask myself if there is an ending to this social decay and do the girls of nowadays still have that dignity that every woman owes to her rightful husband?

There is a need for parents and elder siblings to be regulating and monitoring to see who associate with their children, who they chat with, their friends including school ones, where they go and why; and be sure to know their moves before they make them. 

Let schools and communities have a monitoring committee that will be observing our younger ones and activities so that their future will be bright. 

I urge the religious leaders and government to intervene on this matter and take necessary actions. Our girls are misbehaving and our boys are becoming drug addicts and party attendees. 

Usman Abdullahi Koli, a student of the Mass Communication Department, Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Bauchi. 


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