Pastor Chris’ audacious move to give everyone on earth a copy of Rhapsody of Realities

In the past two decades, it’s hard to imagine anyone in Nigeria has not received a copy of Rhapsody of Realities at least once. There was a time every 1st of October, Christ Embassy members celebrated Nigeria’s Independence with carnivals across the country, distributing copies of Rhapsody of Realities to everyone. It was always beautiful to look out the window and see young Nigerians in the national colors moving from house to house, knocking on doors with a smile, and handing over free copies of Rhapsody of Realities.

Whilst I haven’t noticed these carnivals like before, Christ Embassy members must have found a way to permeate the daily devotional everywhere every month with or without a celebration. Almost everywhere you’d spot a copy; at hotel receptions, inside taxis, at eateries, fuel attendants, or even your estate security officials; everyone is either with a copy of Rhapsody or giving you one. Artisans closing from work with a copy under their armpit and going home is not a rare sight in Lagos.

I’ve always been interested in seeing brands from Nigeria take the world by storm, and recently, I thought to snoop around and see how far Rhapsody of Realities has gone, and I found out the following:

In 2022, Rhapsody of Realities crossed 7,000 Languages and it’s translated into all known languages of the world!

Billions of copies have been distributed around the world!

The Braille version for the blind exists in over 100 languages!

My first thoughts were; “why isn’t everyone talking about this; this is great news!”

Most times we are indulged in politics and entertainment news, whilst paying little attention to record-breaking feats from other parts of our society. Looking into the feats of Rhapsody showed me a really big deal and I became more interested in what’s next for Rhapsody at this time.

The ReachOut World Movement

Rhapsody of Realities is a daily devotional with short excerpts of the Word of God explained in simple terms for everyone. It also has a one-year and two-year Bible study plan to help her readers read the Bible cover to cover in one calendar year. There are also versions for Teenagers and early readers, as well as the braille version for the visually impaired.

ReachOut World is a movement dedicated to putting a copy of Rhapsody of Realities in the hands of everyone on Earth. The ultimate aim of Christianity is global evangelization as revealed in Jesus’ Great Commission to His followers before ascending into Heaven. This seems to be the driving force behind the mega structures set up by Loveworld to produce billions of Christian books in thousands of languages monthly. Absolutely commendable and I wish Christians around the world from all denominations join this movement because I think it’s beyond Pastor Chris and Loveworld alone. It’s a job for everyone.

I think the global feats of Rhapsody of Realities are not being talked about enough. It should be in every encyclopedia, world record book; everywhere. Maybe Christian organizations don’t always go after worldly recognition, but this is absolutely heartwarming and fantastic to know a book from Nigeria is traveling the world and working assiduously in world evangelization!

ReachOut Extravaganza
In conclusion, everyone who’s interested in Jesus’ Great Commission needs to be on this call. It’s an online event where Pastor Chris and other top individuals involved in the translation and distribution of Rhapsody of Realities review how far they’ve gone and what more needs to be done. The next edition is holding on the 5th and 6th of May, 2023 on ReachOut world’s website.

This is what Loveworld seems to aim at with translating the daily devotional into every known language and distributing it to everyone.

Since Rhapsody of Realities scored over 7,000 languages, Loveworld launched the ReachOut World movement; a drive to distribute Rhapsody of Realities to every part of the world. This is no small task any way you want to look at it. Still, the sheer fact Rhapsody has crossed the language barrier like no other publication in this world has shows Rhapsody is on its way to becoming the most distributed book in the world, powered by the ReachOut World movement.

Tochukwu Obi writes in from Central London, U.K


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