PDP flays Buhari’s government for pushing Nigeria into failed state

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), yesterday, lampooned Muhammadu Buhari’s administration for pushing the country into a failed state, saying the President no longer deserves Commander-in-Chief appellation.

It argued that its position was hinged on what it described as “President Buhari’s manifest failure to effectively lead from the fronts against bandits and terrorists ravaging the country.”

In a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Kola Ologbondiyan, it maintained that the recent statement by former Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Tukur Buratai, that with the current approach, it would take Nigeria 20 years to conquer terrorism, was a direct indictment on President Buhari’s failure as Commander-in-Chief.

The party noted that the country had descended to a level where government officials and other prominent Nigerians have resorted to begging and negotiating with terrorists, adding that such ugly reality confirmed that the Buhari administration had surrendered Nigeria’s sovereignty to bandits, insurgents and terrorists.

“Moreover, Minister of Defence, Gen. Bashir Magashi’s recent statement that unarmed Nigerians should protect themselves in the face of armed aggression by bandits and terrorists, further exposes Buhari as a failed Commander-in-Chief, who cannot stand up to the demands of his office,” the statement reads.

The PDP said it should interest the President that a member of his cabinet has declared him ineffective and as someone incapable of commanding his parade and guaranteeing the safety of life and property of Nigerians

“Even more depressing is the disposition of the Buhari Presidency to blame victims of terrorists’ attacks, as was in the case with the beheading of 43 farmers in Borno State, instead of making efforts to arrest the assailants.
“Such tendencies against Nigerians exposes the Buhari administration’s lack of determination to fight the terrorists, which emboldens the outlaws who had earlier been pushed to the fringes under the PDP administration, to resurge and unleash terror on Nigerians,” it added.

It further noted that Nigerians had not forgotten the embarrassing situation where it the President of Chad, Idris Derby to personally lead his troops into the country to rout insurgents and free Nigerian communities and soldiers held captive by terrorists, while President Buhari receded into the comfort and safety of Aso Rock Presidential villa.

“A Commander-in-Chief that cannot lead from the fronts, as President Buhari promised to, and who blames everyone except himself for his failures, leaves much to be desired.
Indeed, our nation cannot afford the ongoing gruesome mass killings, bloodletting, arson, kidnapping and all sorts of mindless atrocities by bandits, terrorists, kidnappers and vandals,” the statement added.

The party charged President Buhari to end his administration’s lethargic and cowardly disposition towards security matters in the country, stressing: “The President must stand up to the demands of his office Commander-in-Chief.”


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