People suffer, sorrow to death for lack of knowledge, says Muoka


General Overseer of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, has urged Christians to connect to God, the source of their solution and avoid being destroyed.

The cleric, who spoke during the programme titled: “From Sorrow To Joy,” held at the church’s headquarters in Ijesha, Lagos, said God established the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries to wipe away tears from the eyes of the people, adding that lack of knowledge is the main reason people suffer and sorrow to death.

Congratulating the attendees of this year’s programme, he said: “The Bible says you shall hear the truth and the truth shall make you free. So many people in the Bible and even in the contemporary world have gone through many sorrows as a result of what the enemies have done to them, but no matter, what they might have done that is causing their sorrows, it shall be terminated today. I am giving you the assurance; your sorrow shall turn into joy.

“Some people suffer and sorrow to death because they do not know the way of escape, they do not know the way of freedom, they do not know the way of solution to their problems, but thank God you are in this place today,” he said.

Muoka, who described the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries as a place of freedom for the oppressed, said: “The testimonies we have heard today clearly show that this is that place of freedom. Listen to me; many people do not know the place of solution. I know that the devil is wicked and has hindered people from knowing the source of their freedom, but I want to let you know that this is the place of freedom. With the testimonies you heard, for example, the woman that was delivered from Haba-Agulu said the demon she worshipped at that time eats other demons, and spirits, and all other demons that came from other places do submit to her demon, but when the Holy God of Chosen visited her, He swallowed up all of them. That God of Chosen is here today, He will swallow up all that are troubling you. They shall not survive today.

“Our sister told us how she suffered and was looking for deliverance and wherever she goes they would tell her, ‘no way, we can’t do it.’ She started going from place to place and anywhere she got to, they would tell her that the only altar that can deliver her is the altar of the Lord’s Chosen and she told us that if you are in this place you are a privileged person because this is not an ordinary place, but a place where God has established His altar that is above all other altars and she was directed to go to The Lord’s Chosen.

“She said God opened her eyes and she saw the altar of the Lord’s Chosen and the Lord told her, ‘you see Chosen I have not just sent my angels there, I also go to Chosen as the ‘Three-in-One God that signify the unity of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. He told her, ‘that is how I operate in Chosen.’

“God is here today and whether I laugh or clap or say amen. It will settle your matter. It is not the issue of talking, praying or fasting; my friend, the issue is what is the authority you are operating with. That is what matters. So, if I speak or give order, my order will be obeyed. I want to let you know that God does not make mistakes. God that established the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries said ‘I will establish it in the end time and all nations shall flow into it’ and here is that mountain that all nations shall flow into and whosoever that comes in impossibilities shall be made possible and all your expectations shall be granted in Jesus’ name,” he stressed.

Muoka also cited examples of people in the Bible who were delivered from their troubles. He mentioned Esther and the Jews; Jabez and the Psalmist among others who cried to the Lord and He turned their captivities into joy.


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