Plateau killings: Police parade 17 suspects, repel fresh attack in Mangu


•DHQ to invite CAN boss for alleging military bias
•We won’t accept further breakdown of law, gov warns

The police, yesterday, paraded 17 suspects in connection with the recent killings in parts of Plateau State. Meanwhile, Defence Headquarters (DHQ) plans to invite the Chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Mangu chapter, Rev. Timothy Daluk, to substantiate his claim that the military supports one of the warring factions in the Plateau crisis.

Following the security breach in Kwahaslalek community and various parts of Mangu Local Council of Plateau State, Governor Caleb Mutfwang has warned that his administration will not tolerate any further breakdown of law and order in any part of the state.

The 17 suspects were paraded by the Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of Police in charge of Zone 4, Ebong Eyibio, at state police command in Jos.
Eyibio said eight of the suspects were arrested in connection with the 2023 Christmas Eve attacks, while the other nine were apprehended for their alleged involvement in the recent security breach in Mangu.

The AIG, who was represented at a press briefing by the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Alfred Alabo, also disclosed that 10 bodies were recovered after the Mangu tragedy.

He added: “The Plateau State Police Command has successfully repelled an attack on villages in Mangu. On January 24, 2024 about 10pm, we received intelligence concerning an attack targeted on Ntam community and ASTC Company, both in Mangu.

“Our team of agile police officers from the IGP Special Intervention Squad stationed at the ASTC, in conjunction with the Pankshin Area Commander and DPO, swung into action and thwarted the attempted attack.”

ON the invitation of Daluk, the Director, Defence Media Operations (DMO), Maj-Gen Edward Buba, said: “DHQ is in the process of reaching out to him to come and substantiate the claims. It is not unusual for emotions to cloud people’s judgment when they have been confronted with very traumatising experiences.

“We would get to the bottom of his allegations, after having an audience with him. All the same, the military will continue to discharge its duties professionally and in line with best international standards, please.”

Earlier, the DHQ had expressed displeasure over the action of the CAN chairman.
ISSUING the warning, yesterday, Mutfwang urged security operatives to intensify efforts in ensuring absolute peace across the state.

The governor, who disclosed this through his Director of Press and Public Affairs, GyangBere, in Jos, also implored communities involved to refrain from taking the law into their hands.

He said: “Governor Mutfwang has strongly denounced the recent security breach that claimed numerous lives in the Kwahaslalek community and various parts of Mangu.

“Expressing profound sorrow, the governor decried the escalating security challenges that resulted in the destruction of homes and livelihoods, by hoodlums. He extended heartfelt condolences to the grieving families, the affected communities and victims of the unfortunate incidents.”


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