Plateau Rerun: IPAC disassociates from press conference on PDP exclusion

The Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC), have distanced itself from the press conference held by the Plateau State chapter of the council regarding the exclusion of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) from the forthcoming rerun election in the state, particularly in Plateau north.

IPAC claims that the Plateau State chapter’s actions do not represent the outcome of the consultative stakeholders’ meeting that was held by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) with the leadership of all political parties on December 18, 2024, in Abuja.

The National Publicity Secretary of IPAC, Chinyere Ogekalu, in a statement, cautioned the leadership of the Council in Plateau State is hereby to operate within the ambit of the Code of Conduct as matters of this nature are exclusively within the purview of the national.

Ogekalu said: “The subject matter which led to the needless press conference was exhaustively discussed on the day of the meeting where it was communicated to all stakeholders including the leadership of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) that the party will not be part of the rerun in Plateau owing to a subsisting judgement of Court barring the party from participating in the rerun election.

“While the court judgement is already being challenged by the concerned political party, it is unwise for any individual or group of individuals under any guise to embark on any course of action capable of inciting violence or derailing the fragile peace in Plateau State.

“The leadership of the Council in Plateau State is hereby cautioned, hence admonished to operate within the ambit of the Code of Conduct as matters of this nature are exclusively within the purview of the National.

“All stakeholders in Plateau State and other States where the rerun elections will be taking place are enjoined to eschew violence and go out peacefully to exercise their franchise by electing credible individuals that will best serve their collective interest.”


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