Police arrest 237 clubgoers for violating COVID19 protocols in Lagos

Nigeria Police Force on Saturday arrested 237 persons for violating the federal government 12am to 4am curfew imposed to curtail the coronavirus spread.

Lagos police boss Hakeem Odumosu said he led the Friday night operation and pounced on some deviant night clubs where two hundred and thirty-seven (237) violators were arrested.

“The clubs raided included Lounge 38, Bode Thomas Surulere (85 suspects) and Club Victoria’s, VI, (152 suspects) while six (6) were arrested for violating the Federal Government imposed 12 midnight to 4am curfew in the state,” the police authorities said in a statement.

“In total, Two hundred and forty-three (243) violators were arrested and are being paraded today,” the police added.

Odumosu said all of the violators will be arraigned with immediate effect.

Nigeria on Friday recorded one of its highest coronavirus-related deaths, with 12 people dying from the virus on Friday.

The latest figure – an increase of about 50 percent from the six fatalities recorded the previous day – has taken the death toll to 1342 in total.

In the past 21 days, there have been 130 fatalities as a result of COVID-19 complications in Nigeria.

The spike in new infections is also showing no signs of slowing as Nigeria recorded yet another relatively high daily figure of 1,544 reported from 21 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) on Friday.

The figure, one of the highest so far since the virus began spreading in the country, indicated a slight decrease from the 1,565 reported on Thursday.

This week, Nigeria has recorded  highest daily tallies to indicate how swift the second wave of COVID-19 is rising.


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