Police arrest four kidnappers, rescue victim in Kaduna


The Police in Kaduna State have arrested four notorious kidnappers and rescued a victim in the state.

Spokesperson for the command, ASP Mansir Hassan,  in a statement  yesterday, said  they also recovered a Beretta pistol with two rounds of live ammunition and seven rustled cows from the criminals

According to Hassan, the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of Maigana on  June 11, at about 5:00a.m., received a distress call from Yakasai Village, that one Abubakar Sale, also from Yakasai had been kidnapped by unknown gunmen.

He said upon receiving this information, the DPO led a combined team of Policemen and the Vigilante Nigeria to the scene.

“The team tracked the armed bandits from Yakasai to Awai Village, where they found the victim in a hut, unharmed.
“The criminals tried to flee, however, the Police successfully arrested two suspects: Abdulmumini Auta, 60, and Garba Shehu, 30, both from Yakasai Village.
“Additionally, seven suspected rustled cows abandoned by the fleeing kidnappers were recovered. Investigation into the case is currently ongoing,” he said.

Hassan stated further that on  June 12, 2024, at about 11:45p.m., a team of officers from the Zaria City Division, acting on intelligence, intercepted and arrested one Ibrahim Sa’idu, 35, of Kadage, Giwa Local Council ,and one Hayatu Sa’idu, 35, of Rafin Yashe, Zaria Local Council, near the Gwargwaje by Galadimawa Junction.

“A search was conducted on the suspects, which led to the recovery of a Beretta pistol with two rounds of live ammunition in Hayatu Sa’idu’s possession. The case is also under Investigation.

“The Commissioner of Police, Audu Ali Dabigi, urges all citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the Police,” Hassan added.


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