Police arrest wanted Onitsha lawyer who assaulted househelp

Arrested man handcuffed

Police operatives have arrested an Onitsha-based female lawyer, Adachukwu Okafor, over child abuse. The arrest came days after Minister of Women Affairs, Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye, placed a N2 million bounty on her head.

The lawyer had been on the run after police declared her wanted over attempted murder of her househelp. A statement signed by the Special Adviser to the Minister on Media, said Okafor was arrested by the police, following a manhunt.

“The lady has been on the run for weeks, after being reported to have inflicted severe injuries on the minor, which prompted the minister to offer a reward of N2 million to anyone who can come forward with information on her whereabouts.

“With this development, the minister has said that her office is working in tandem with the Nigeria Police to commence immediate investigation on the matter while the girl is still undergoing medical treatment in the hospital.”


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