Police begin rescue operations for abducted Zamfara school girls

This photograph taken on February 26, 2021 shows school uniforms displayed inside the deserted school dormitory, where over 300 schoolgirls were kidnapped by bandits at Jangede, Zamfara State in northwest Nigeria. PHOTO: Habibu ILIYASU / AFP

The Police say they have started a coordinated search-and-rescue operation for the 300 students of Government Girls Secondary School, Jangebe, Zamfara, Abducted by gunmen on Friday.

The Force Police Public Relations Officer, Frank Mba, made the statement on Friday in Abuja.

Mba said the search-and-rescue operation, involving the deployment of both ground and aerial assets, was aimed at locating and rescuing the students.

He said the Inspector-General of Police, Mr Mohammed Adamu, had ordered the immediate deployment of two operational surveillance helicopters to Zamfara.

He added that the deployment was a reinforcement for personnel of “Operation Puff Adder II’’ earlier deployed in the state.

Mba said the move was to support the Police Command in Zamfara to combat banditry, kidnapping and other related crimes.

The police spokesman said Mr Adamu condemned the barbaric and callous abduction of the innocent female students.

He pledged that the police and other security forces would not relent until the abducted students were successfully rescued and reunited with their families.

Mba said the joint rescue operation was being carried out by the police, the military and other members of the law enforcement community with support from Zamfara State government and other stakeholders.

He called for calm and enjoined the public, particularly the people of Zamfara, not to hesitate in availing the Police and the law enforcement community with useful information that could assist in the rescue of the schoolgirls.


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