Police foil attempt to burn truck after crushing ex-Abia poly student to death


Abia State Police Command, yesterday, foiled an attempt by angry students to burn a truck, which crushed an ex-student of the state’s polytechnic to death.

An eyewitness said the intervention by the police was hinged on the fact that the truck was not directly responsible.

The eyewitness said the accident was caused by a tricyclist, who, while driving against the traffic along the Aba-Owerri road, at the front of polytechnic, hit the student and pushed her into the path of the oncoming truck.

A female staff of the institution, who pleaded anonymity, identified the victim as one Ogechi.

She told The Guardian via telephone that she was at the accident scene and saw when Ogechi was rushed to a hospital, opposite the polytechnic, adding that the ex-student gave up shortly afterwards.

She said both the tricyclist and the truck driver were arrested and detained.

When contacted, spokesperson for the state command, ASP Maureen Chinaka, confirmed the arrests, saying that an investigation was ongoing.


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