Police nab 10 over death of 11-year-old boy in Delta

Bright Edafe

Bright Edafe

The Delta State Police Command has said 10 suspects have been arrested in connection with death of an 11-year-old boy in the state. The police said the arrest was made at No. 7, Usonia Street, near FMC Asaba, Delta State. The suspects were arrested over the mysterious death of a boy, Joshua Sunday.

Sunday was a primary six pupil of Uzoigwe primary School, Asaba, who was reportedly killed and his body dropped in a drum in his mother’s compound, and was found three days after.

Mother of the deceased, Christy Garuba, while narrating her ordeal, said the boy was killed on Thursday but the body was discovered inside a drum on Sunday after search in and around their house with assistance from neighbours.

She explained that she had constant conversation with her deceased son on her way to Asaba till about 3:30 p.m. on that fateful day, only to get home at about 7:p.m. to discover that the child was nowhere to be found.

“I travelled and on my way back I called my son Joshua to inform him that I was on my way. We were delayed because of fuel scarcity. As I got to Asaba, around 7: p.m., immediately I entered house and I saw my son’s slippers scattered and I wondered why. Then, I asked my house help about the whereabouts of Joshua, she said, she suspected he went to charge phone. I went to the place he normally charged his phone, but he was not there,” she lamented.

She added: “I started searching for my son everywhere but I didn’t see him. It was in the evening I went to report the case at the A’ Division police station. After three days, I was told to go and check somewhere for my son. I went back to my compound and saw my son dead inside the drum. I use the drum to collect rainwater to wash my face in the morning that was where I found my son.
There after, I went back to the police who came to arrest those they met on ground”.

When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Bright Edafe confirmed the incident, saying a number of suspects were arrested in connection with the matter.

He said the police are waiting for the autopsy to ascertain the cause of the boy’s death.


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