Police van crushes mother, child to death in Delta

A van belonging to the police has allegedly crushed a mother and her four-month-old baby to death around a popular PTI Junction in Warri, Delta State.

The incident occurred yesterday afternoon when police operatives were allegedly chasing suspected internet fraudsters and hit a commercial tricycle conveying the woman and her baby, killing them on the spot.

Angered by the incident, irate youths set the police van ablaze as a way of protesting against their action.

When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Onome Onovwakpoyeya, confirmed the incident. He, however, denied that it was the police van that crushed the duo to death.

“It is not true that police van killed the mother and child. A tipper hit a tricycle that was carrying a woman and a young child. There was an accident, but they were trying to link it to the police. The police did not crush the victims or shoot at anyone. The police van was burnt out of anger by the mob.”

MEANWHILE, Delta State governor, Ifeanyi Okowa, has ordered an immediate investigation into the death of the woman and her daughter in Warri.

In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Olisa Ifeajika, the governor decried the incident and charged police authorities in the state to commence an urgent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the losses.

According to him, the sad news of the death of the woman and her daughter in a rather bizarre circumstance in Warri on Wednesday was quite unfortunate and disheartening.

Okowa condoled with the deceased’s family on the loss of their loved ones and assured that everyone involved in the processes that led to the incident would be brought to book.

He called on Deltans, especially residents of Warri, to remain calm and law-abiding, and let the government and law enforcement agencies take necessary steps to address the situation.

The governor also charged the police to maintain law and order in the area.


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