Police warn commercial motorcyclists against taking laws into their hands

Okada-motorcyclistsThe Lagos State Police Command has warned commercial motorcyclists, otherwise called “Okada riders’’ from taking laws into their hands anytime there was an incident between them and motorists.

This is contained in a statement by the command’s spokesman, DSP Joseph Offor, on Monday in Lagos.

The statement said the attitude of the commercial motorcyclists was becoming worrisome; adding that the command would no longer tolerate such.

It noted that the warning became imperative because of the brazen impunity they usually displayed whenever there was misunderstanding between them and motorists or security agents.

“It has been observed that commercial motorcycle operators have become law unto themselves, and act in manners detrimental to law and order and in total disregard to rights of other citizens.

“The Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Command wishes to use this medium to warn Okada Operators in the state to desist from these acts of lawlessness and wanton destruction of lives and property.

“Any repeat of the above mentioned unruly behaviours will be visited with the full weight of the law,’’ it said.

The statement, however, said the command pledged its total cooperation with motorcyclists so long as they conducted themselves and operate within the law.

It also said that the command warned members of the public against the activities of an illegal organisation called the Nigeria Merchant Navy Seafarers, Maritime Petroleum Security and Safety Corps.

The statement noted that the self-styled organisation ascribed to itself the fourth arm of the Nigeria Armed Forces.

It added that its leader, simply identified as Agaba, paraded himself as a Commodore and Chief of Nigeria Merchant Naval Staff.

“The group has been illegally conducting training of unsuspecting young Nigerians in Naval related duties in several private camps in at least 11 states of the federation, including Lagos and Abuja

“The command advise the public to avoid any dealing with the illegal organisation as they do not enjoy Federal Government’s recognition,’’ the statement said.

“The general public is also warned against the illegal activities of a faceless group called “Indigenous People of Biafra’’ under the leadership of Mr Nnamdi Kanu and Mr Ikenna Nwanoneyi.’’

The statement said the clandestine group with its base at Abia State had the primary objective of agitating for an independent State of Biafra through secession from Nigeria.

“To actualise this objective, they founded an illegal Radio Station known as Radio Biafra and effectively deployed it to brain wash unformed members of the public and lure them to embrace violence.

“Parents/guardians and religious leader are urged to rightly advise and prevail on their children/wards and followers to avoid common enemies.

“The residents of Lagos are advised to go about their normal business without any fear as adequate security has been provided,’’ it said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that on Aug. 14, some commercial motorcyclists allegedly killed a Police Corporal attached FESTAC Town Division and made away with his rifle.

NAN also reports that two of the Okada riders were arrested and the police rifle recovered.

