Police will defend democracy, May 29 is sacrosanct, says IGP

Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Usman Alkali Baba. Photo/FACEBOOKTHENIGERIAPOLICE

The Police high command boss, IGP Alkali Baba Usman has vowed that it would crush any attempt by individuals or groups to derail Nigeria’s democracy, saying that May 29, 2023 handing over date is ‘sacrosanct’.

IGP made the vow at a briefing with newsmen in Abuja.

According to Alkali Baba, following the successful conclusion of the 2023 General elections, it has been observed that some major political actors that the outcome did not favour, have been issuing public threats that are directed at instigating actions to frustrate the Presidential inauguration ceremony on May 29, 2023.

“The Nigeria Police and the national intelligence community have been closely monitoring the activities of these political elites as well as other elements who have formed themselves into unpatriotic brands whose only fantasy, in recent times, is to subvert our national security interests.

“In so doing, they seem to be bent on deploying extra-judicial and undemocratic means to truncate our democratic heritage in advancement of their narrow personal political considerations.

The beauty of democracy lies not just in the freedom of the citizens to freely exercise their franchise within the electoral cycle.

“It is also hinged on the right of aggrieved political actors to submit grievances on the electoral outcome to the judicial process for consideration. The credentials of a true democrat must, therefore, be measured by his or her level of patriotism, and willingness to manifest the culture of submitting to rule of law, peace, democratic values, and the judicial process.

“These are integral and critical components of the political process.

It is also expected that a true democrat will subsume his or her personal political ambition under overriding national security and democratic interests of the country. Unfortunately, the public utterances of some political actors and their current attempts at inciting public protests with a view to creating national tension ahead of the Presidential Swearing-in ceremony do not only negate these values, but they are also manifestly subversive, undemocratic, unconstitutional.

“Having submitted their political grievances to the judicial process, it remains concerning that some of the political gladiators are still bent on engaging other extra-judicial means to advance their interest in a manner that questions their overall intentions as well as the patriotic and democratic credentials which they project.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the imperative of peace in our national life cannot be over-emphasized. Sustenance of peace and security is even more expedient at this stage in our national democratic transition. Consequently, while the Nigeria Police, in synergy with other security agencies and the intelligence community, continues to closely monitor the activities of these political elements, it has become expedient to make some clear statements.”

He sternly warned all political actors with subversive agenda and their collaborators, particularly, their foot soldiers who they are exposing to political radicalization and extremism to, henceforth, jettison their on-going premeditated attempts to create tension within the national space with intention of derailing the May 29, 2023 Presidential Inauguration Ceremony.

He added, “firstly, the Nigeria Police hereby sternly warns all political actors with subversive agenda and their collaborators, particularly, their foot soldiers who they are exposing to political radicalization and extremism to, henceforth, jettison their on-going premeditated attempts to create tension within the national space with intention of derailing the May 29, 2023 Presidential Inauguration Ceremony.

“Secondly, any such persons, regardless of their political affiliations who continuously engages in acts that are inimical to our nation’s democratic and security interests should not be in doubt on the firm determination of the Nigeria Police under my watch to closely collaborate with the law enforcement family and the intelligence community to defend our democracy, keep the internal security order stable and optimally deploy our common unique assets towards guaranteeing the successful conduct of the Presidential Inauguration Ceremony

“Thirdly, we note that the Inauguration Ceremonies at all the national and State levels of government are a critical constitutional requirement for the sustenance of our political order as a nation and the Nigeria Police is duty and legally bound to defend our democratic heritage and closely police the constitutional processes.

“Consequently, I assure the citizens that our loyalty to our democratic and political order remains firm and unwavering. We will defend our democracy at all costs. The 29th May, 2023 date for the swearing-in ceremony of the President-elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and indeed, other inauguration ceremonies at national and State levels is sacrosanct.

“The constitutional mandates of the Nigeria Police include the security governance of the processes leading to the inauguration of elected candidates at all levels and the guarantee for the successful conduct of the inauguration events. We shall undertake this task optimally and manifestly. Anybody that stands in the way will beidentified, promptly isolated, and brought to deserved justice in the overriding interest of our national security and stable political order.

“ Consequently, citizens are encouraged to be mindful of the antics of political elements who may want to manipulate their political passion to advance parochial, undemocratic, and unconstitutional objectives. They should resist such, go about their lawful businesses and prepare to be part of the advancement of our democratic journey as patriotic citizens by freely participating in the inauguration ceremonies, assured that the Nigeria Police have acquired adequate assets to guarantee their protection.

“They are also encouraged to promptly report any attempts by the misguided political elements to infiltrate their ranks and engender political tension in the country for appropriate law enforcement response.”


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