CONAPA calls for free, fair elections, urges INEC on level playing field

Yakubu, INEC Boss
The Council of Nigerian Associations Presidents in Australia (CoNAPA) has called for free and fair elections in Nigeria, while urging the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), to ensure a level playing field for all political parties.
In a statement by the Chair, CoNAPA President, Nigerian Association of Western Australia Dr. Pedus Eweama, and chairperson, Nigerian Society of Victoria and Secretary, Council of Nigerian Associations Presidents in Australia, Dr. Remi Yusuf, the forum said they represent the voice of Nigerian-Australian community leadership and were committed to the welfare of Nigerians in Australia and “our ancestral homeland.”
It said: “Our overriding interest is the greater good of Nigeria and Nigerians and the deepening of mutually beneficial bilateral relations between our two great countries.”
The forum noted that though Nigeria is faced with numerous challenges, a democratic tradition has taken a foothold in the country, adding that this year is a pivotal one as Nigerians go to the polls in keeping faith with “our cherished democratic ideals of electing our leaders through the ballot box.”
While commending President Muhammadu Buhari’s firm commitment to free and fair elections and as widely reported, the forum called on Nigerians to participate responsibly in the democratic process.
“As an organisation that thrives in a functional democracy and believes in the unity and progress of Nigeria through democratic means, we call on Nigerians to match President Buhari’s avowed commitment to a free and fair election by eschewing any undemocratic conduct that may undermine the elections.
“We call on the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) to ensure a level playing field and ensure the elections are secure, free, fair and credibly conducted. Nigerians must be able to make their choice in the ballot box, free of any fear or intimidation and we call on the security agencies to place the interest of the country over and above all other considerations,” it said.
The group urged the Australian Government to send election observers to monitor the elections in Nigeria, while urging Nigerians to see themselves as stakeholders in the delivery of credible, free and fair elections.
“ Our call is predicated on the firm belief that a democratic, stable and prosperous Nigeria (the largest country in sub-Saharan Africa) is of strategic importance to Australia and Africa’s democratic trajectory in part depends on the success of Nigeria’s democracy.
“Now is not the time for political apathy. We urge every Nigerian
“May the most credible candidates buoyed by the collective yearnings of Nigerians for good governance, prevail,” the statement reads.



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