Retire Atiku, Tinubu with your votes to avoid chaos, group urges Nigerians

The Zikist-Aminu Kano Patriots (ZAP) has urged Nigerians to use their votes to retire the former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, who is the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), as well as its All Progressives Congress (APC) counterpart, Bola Tinubu.

The organisation explained that voting for Atiku or Tinubu would lead to unimaginable chaos. ZAP’s Secretary General, Dr. Steve Igweze, in a statement, yesterday, said the duo “have outlived their political value, and breached the National Peace Accord brokered by the General Abdulsalam Abubukar Committee, as evidenced by their offensive counter-court actions bordering on corruption cases and ‘do or die’ politics, which is over-heating the polity.”

Igweze said: “No matter the ethno-religious or even partisan considerations that may propel their supporters, we should use our votes to retire these politicians, who have outlived their relevance, to save our fledgling democracy and preserve our country’s unity.

“More importantly, Atiku shares unparalleled Machiavellian tendency with Tinubu. And, as far as both of them are concerned, it does not matter whether majority of Nigerians will die along the line, provided they become president.

“This obvious desperation is evidenced in their cross exposition and court actions against each other; hence, washing their dirty linens in public.”

ZAP said it decided to draw the attention of Nigerians considering the dangers and implications of Atiku and Tinubu’s deceptive and opportunistic tendencies, stressing that their antics have become legendary, worrisome, and demeaning to the office of the president.

“Second, it is on record that Atiku breached PDP’s constitutional provision on presidential power rotation convention between the North and the South, which, right from inception of Nigeria’s Fourth Republic, has been the fundamental unifying instrument of our country.

“Apart from acknowledging the benefits of South West in the presidency, Tinubu went ahead to promote the obnoxious ‘is my turn’ mantra and same faith presidential ticket.”


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