Power against battle extenders (2)


The enemy can extend battles in the life of a man by different means and the first of them is unbroken curse. A lot of people don’t know that they are operating under a curse in their life. The devil can magnetise you to multiple curses by making you to offend your parents, those who have authority over you or even a witch doctor and then a curse would be placed on you.

In such cases, you might remember only one such incident and pray for the curse to be broken only to see your life remain the same because there are many other curses left unbroken. With this, battles can extend in your life from one generation to another. In 1Kgs, 2:26-27, we see the case of Abiathar was from the 4th generation of Eli, the priest.

The curse on the lineage manifested when he made a mistake of helping Adonijah to overthrow his father, David. David discovered this rebellious act and so made Solomon king instead. When Solomon ascended the throne, he thrust Abiathar out from being priest in fulfillment of the pronouncement made upon him by his father Eli, that the priesthood had been taken away from his house 1 Sam. 2:27-36.

A lot of people, today, are fighting extended battles. The powers that extend battles will hide the curse so that you don’t remember until you make a mistake that will bring the curse to catch up with you. Sometime ago, a young man came to me crying for deliverance. He did not know what exactly his problem was, but he said his life was daily crashing down. I just prayed that God should reveal the problem to us.

He got the revelation that at his previous place of residence he was indebted to an elderly woman and never paid her until he relocated and was even now married and living big. The woman was pained and so placed a curse on him. When he woke up from that revelation, it was like God had played a video to him through the night. Everything appeared real and he could remember the woman in question. I told him that the first step to his deliverance was to go and look for that woman and restitute. After that, I conducted some deliverance prayers for him and he was set free. His wife became pregnant for the first time after many years of marriage.

Another way that battles can be extended in the life of a man is through hidden sin as we see in the story of Achan in our Bible text. A battle that would have taken a short time to win was extended and they were defeated. We must learn to obey God’s instructions to the last and put Him first in all that we do.

God told the Israelites that Jericho is the first city they would conquer and that all the silver and gold therein belongs to Him. After that, every other city they conquer would be theirs. Achan made the mistaken of going to steal from the gold and so God caused them to be defeated in battle.

• Reverend John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State.Dtimchurch@Gmail.Com. Prayer Line: +2348135952623

You might be fighting battles today because of hidden sins in your life and the devil is using it as a joker against you. Also, when God says give me the first day of the week, Sunday, for my worship and all the other days I will bless for you, we must obey. If you use the day of worship for irrelevant things, instead of being in God’s presence, you will find yourself struggling with your business for the rest of the week. May God terminate every extended battle you have been fighting as a result of hidden sin in Jesus’ name.

