Power Outage In Apalara Community, Modakeke

Sir: The current long-running power outage in Apalara community of Modakeke, Ile-Ife, Osun-State, is totally condemnable and unacceptable, a development that has persisted for nearly three months and bearing in mind that the last time such a situation occurred in the same community, it took the now defunct PHCN six months to rectify the issue.

The IBEDC Ife business office’s rather ineffectual and unacceptable excuse for not addressing the power outage is unavailable spare parts to fix the faulty transformer. They argue that two months plus is not enough time to fix a faulty transformer. In spite of several protests, written letters of protests and pleas submitted to the Ife Business Office, nothing done transpired into restoration of power to Apalara community.

I urge IBEDC to speedily address this issue so as to dissuade some already disgruntled folks from taking the law into their own hands. IBEDC does not need or want the targeting of its staff and installations and neither does the community.

•’Jide Afolayan, Ile-Ife.



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