Power shift to South will not resolve structural issues, says ECA

Elliot Ugochukwu-Uko,

The Eastern Consultative Assembly (ECA) has stated that shifting power to the southern part of the country during the 2023 general election will not resolve the structural imbalance that gave rise to secessionist agitations and other crisis bedeviling the nation.

Secretary General of ECA, Evangelist Elliot Ugochukwu-Uko, in a statement, yesterday, noted that only consensual restructuring of the country would enthrone stability, peace and harmony, and pave the way for the political and economic growth of the nation. 

Ugochukwu-Uko stated that “the unjust unitary structure deliberately skewed against certain people and region”, and “the refusal to restructure the country before now created over half of our problems.”

The statement read: “Ongoing unholy conspiracies, greed for central power and unbridled arrogance being displayed by politicians who did not in any way contribute to the pressure that made power shift possible, might cost my region and the entire country the most of this golden opportunity.

“We may wish to remind ourselves that the need and cry for justice, equity, sense of belonging, fairness and level playing field for all, inspired the now-agreed power shift; that lack or absence of equal opportunities and fair treatment for all, resulting to disaffection and loss of faith, led to bitterness and agitations.

“We need to also remind ourselves that the unjust unitary structure deliberately skewed against certain people and region, provided the ammunition powering lack of interest in the system and then, agitations; that the brutal and unkind response and erroneous strategy of containment applied by the authorities, only deepened and convoluted the crisis to the point that the land began to hemorrhage, resulting to economic paralysis and sparks of violence leading to killings, arson and shutdowns; that the now-disappeared brutal brigandage of ruthless armed herdsmen contributed greatly to the apprehension and fears that led to the emergence of armed militias all over the land that stole peace away from the land, creating sharp divisions and deepening the crisis. 

“It is also important for all to remember that the cry for the restructuring of the country has been on for decades. The refusal to restructure the country before now created over half of our problems. We also need to remember that the Patriots, NADECO, eminent citizens, Afenifere and other regional bodies have been consistent in their plea for a peaceful and consensual reorganisation of the country’s unkind and unhealthy unitary structure foisted on the country by military regimes; that this unresolved structural issues will not be resolved by power shift; that from the Aburi accord, the Abacha political conference, the Obasanjo National Conference to the Jonathan Confab, the nation has been yearning for a holistic and wholesome reconstruction to true federalism and devolution of power, consensually agreed in order to move the country forward; that the consensual restructuring of the country would enthrone stability, peace and harmony, giving every section a sense of belonging, granting political progress and economic growth. 

“The understanding that the task ahead is grave and delicate would help remove self-centered excitement that breeds conspiracy of power, greed and hubris.  May this opportunity not be mishandled as usual.  By allowing greed for power, arrogance and conspiracies to becloud our senses and make the mistake of forgetting the onerous and sensitive task ahead in rejuvenating and rebuilding our country, we may be bungling this unique opportunity. God forbid.”  


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