Practical Perspectives As A Panacea To Youth Development

Youths. Photo credit afrigrowth
Youths. Photo credit afrigrowth
In today’s world, with hip hop music and social media taking over the social interactive space, reading a book for many young people is fast becoming out of fashion.

Reading is as old as humanity and that is one human activity every child is taught to do consciously even in their adolescents age. The reason is not far-fetched because catching a child young involves getting them to learn how to read as early as possible so as they grow, it becomes part and parcel of them.
It is for this reason parents read story books to their children at bed times.

A book on youth development written out of a research to help young people navigate their middle ages and expose some of the challenges they face such as crime, drug abuse, HIV/Aids and practical ways to lead young people out of crime and drugs. These and others like how to mobilise young people into voluntary organisations, networking for youth workers, youth and their civic duty, youth investment clubs form some of the chapters in this eight chapter book on youth development titled Practical Perspectives on Youth: Engagement and Mobilisation strategy written by Odianose Dominic Matthew.

This was the centre of the message during the book presentation to the audience at the one day African safeguarding conference for parents organised by World of Hope in partnership with CANUK recently at the Lewisham town hall by the author himself.

For him young people are the same everywhere and always want to exercise their energy but it is up to those who work and care for them to help them harness those potential energy towards positive things. This is why is important to keep the young people constantly engaged so they won’t find time to be idle which can make them use their energy negatively.

Matthew ended by reminding the audience how they can get his book which is available on, author’s website, Barnes& noble and some leading booksellers in Nigeria. He also enjoined them to support his crowd funding project to donate hundreds of the copies to secondary schools in his native country, Nigeria which he has kick started by donating copies to his Alma mater when he visited Oregun High School, Oregun Ikeja, Lagos in May 2015.

The author is a youth mentor, worker, United Nations Online Volunteer, motivational speaker, marketer and prolific writer.

