Prelate urges electorate to liberate Nigeria with PVCs, cautions vote sellers


Prelate of the Methodist Church Nigeria, His Eminence (Dr.) Oliver Aba, yesterday, called on the electorate to use their Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs) to liberate the country by voting the leaders that would take Nigeria to her New Jerusalem.

The Prelate urged the electorate not to allow themselves to be bought with money to mortgage the future of their unborn children, warning that anyone who sells his or her vote would incur the wrath of God.

According to the Prelate, the answer to the current travails facing the nation is not in violent protest, arson and thuggery, which could hamper the progress of the country.

“I want to appreciate God on behalf of all Nigerians. God has been so gracious to us with the human and material resources given to us to make our country great. We are here for the inauguration of the Archdiocese of Ado-Ekiti. I want to say that our prayer for Nigeria is for it to be great because this is our country and we don’t have any other country we can call our own.

“At this point in time, we must join our hands together to build a better Nigeria for the future. As the general election is around the corner, I want to make a passionate appeal with all Nigerians, especially the youths to go out en masse with our PVCs to exercise our franchise. At the end, whoever we want to lead us and take us to our New Jerusalem, will emerge.

“But it is going to be our collective will and that is why PVC is the answer now, not violence, not thuggery that could hamper the progress of this election. What we are experiencing now is temporary, at the fullness of time; everything will be normalised, because God is in charge of this country. Whoever is not on the Lord’s side is doomed for destruction,” he said.

In his sermon, themed: Contending for the Faith, Bishop Shittu admonished Nigerians to exercise patience, saying that the current hardship would soon end as God has not abandoned Nigeria.

He continued: “I am a Nigerian and every one of us is feeling the heat. But we will soon get over it. I want to appeal to Nigerians to try and vote according to their consciences. We should make good use of our PVCs and also make sure nobody buys you over and thereby mortgaging the future of your unborn generation. God will not be happy to see us mortgaging the future of our unborn children. I also want to appeal to our politicians to allow brotherly love to reign among them.”


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