Presidency mum as Aisha Buhari returns to Nigeria

First Lady, Aisha Buhari PHOTO: Twitter
Wife of the President and First Lady, Aisha Buhari, has returned to Nigeria, ending months of speculations on her whereabouts.

This came as the Presidency on Thursday kept mum over trending reports on the president’s wife.

There was no official confirmation of her return at press time, but sources told The Guardian that the First Lady returned to her official residence in Presidential Villa, Abuja, on Wednesday after six months of sojourn in the United Arab Emirates.

Her Senior Special Assistant on Media, Aliyu Abdullahi, declined to confirm or refute reports of her return to Abuja when contacted Thursday evening.

Also, Sulaiman Haruna, a Media aide in the office of the First Lady did not pick calls put through to his number.

He also did not respond to a text message seeking confirmation of Mrs Buhari’s return.

The First Lady reportedly made her last known public appearance in September 2020 during the wedding of her daughter, Hanan.


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