Probe, yes, but officials must return loot

Photo; talkingbiznews
Photo; talkingbiznews

SIR: While we support the intention of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration to probe the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan, officials who served in the administrations of General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida up till the late President Umaru Yar’Adua’s should be asked to return loot in their own interest and for reasons of clear conscience towards God and humanity.

To be seen to be fair and just, public officials (both politicians and bureaucrats) who are comfortable multi-millionaires and billionaires by Forbe’s ratings should be encouraged to come forward and return to the nation’s coffers whatever they cannot defend through their legitimate earnings, investments or intellectual property. The public officials who were not known in the business circle before they got appointed or elected into offices should be made to account for the reported millions of dollars in their foreign accounts.

The same should apply to some self-appointed whistle-blowers in this present administration. Their roles might be a ploy to divert government’s attention from their own alleged shady deals which could not be hidden. No doubt, these whistle-blowers are doing a good job by raising public awareness to where some looted funds are hidden. But the fact remains that they too may be having some skeletons in their cupboards.

We are on the same page with President Buhari administration for its stand to probe the immediate past administration because of the alleged monumental fraud.  However, in order to free itself of allegation of any form of witch-hunting as the opposition is already insinuating, the Federal Government should also beam its searchlight on both the current and past public officials and create a window of opportunities for those of them who have some restitution to make by voluntarily returning excess ‘luggage’ which they are illegally keeping to themselves.

In the meantime, the Federal Government should busy itself with sealing the drain pipes in the economy.

• Gbemiga Olakunle,
National Prayer Movement,
Abuja, FCT.



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