Prof. Osinbajo is playing politics


SIR: What can one list as Nigeria’s economic priorities at this moment? Many states owe their workers many months of unpaid salaries and allowances. The salaries and allowances of regularly paid workers have been drastically affected by high fuel price and hyper-inflation. President Buhari could not attend to any of the problems, but he sold dollars cheaply to pilgrimage-makers. Does that action not violate Nigeria’s constitutional secularity; and to whom was Osinbajo preaching against politicisation of religion, on Sunday, August 02, 2015? Was he preaching to Buhari and his wife? Physician, heal thyself.

Example is better than precepts. We have heard such homilies innumerable times in the past from the Buhari/Osinbajo predecessors. The Buhari/Osinbajo government has not taken any drastically progressive measure to improve Nigeria. They have not displayed any improvement. But, it is bad logic to say they should not probe GEJ’s government unless they are ready to probe all past governments. If GEJ is pulled, he can pull any of his own predecessors along where applicable. But accountability must not be chained forever.

We are hearing of how street begging should be banned in the Federal Capital Territory, basically the Abuja central town. What can that mean other than the privileged few who are enjoying at the expense of the abjectly poor majority would not be disturbed by the ocean of beggars, and visitors to central Abuja would get the wrong impression that there are no beggars in Nigeria. Rubbish and nonsense.

Traditional Africans practise a religion that entertains, lampoons, and allows magical measures against social miscreants. Christians and Muslims condemned everything without any better alternatives. Since GMB cares less about social justice, he may never conquer Boko Haram – connoting socio-political and economic injustice.

• Pius Abioje, University of Ilorin.



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