Project Grey Elderly Care Initiative raises awareness on brain health, Alzheimer

As part of efforts aimed at enhancing the quality of life for the elderly, the Project Grey Elderly Care Initiative recently organised an educational programme centered around the significance of maintaining brain health and creating awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other brain-related ailments.

Collaborating with the JBS Gerontology Centre, the programme, themed: “Mind Matters: Nurturing Brain Health,” also aimed to shed light on the potential benefits of certain games and activities in promoting cognitive well-being and reducing risks of dementia.

Founder of the Project Grey Elderly Care Initiative, Vera David-Emesiobum Doudeyeh, emphasized the importance of holistic care and an innovative approach to empowering the elderly, which was reflected in the incorporation of interactive games during the event.

Attendees were provided with board games as gifts, encouraging ongoing participation in gaming for brain stimulation.

The day’s activities were filled with highlights, including complimentary medical tests, specially curated exercises tailored for the elderly, lively dance sessions, and engaging gaming experiences. Professionals and doctors from the center conducted free tests for the elderly and delivered informative talks on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Alzheimer’s disease, and other brain-related illnesses.

Vera said through the promotion of awareness, the provision of essential medical support, and the inclusion of captivating activities, the event acted as a catalyst for change and empowerment within the elderly community.

She added that “Mind Matters: Nurturing Brain Health” showcased the power of unity and compassion in making a positive impact on the lives of the elderly.

With unwavering dedication, Project Grey Elderly Care Initiative and its partners have paved the way for a brighter future for the nation’s elderly population.

The event also received support from De Paractlet Kitchen Boss, who served delightful meals to all attendees, and Gidi Foods Limited, a local food company that generously supplied staple food provisions for the elderly.

Project Grey Elderly Care Initiative is a committed non-profit organisation dedicated to assisting the most vulnerable and economically disadvantaged older individuals in society.
