Prophet Alo condemns ‘ungodly’ killings in Ekiti, calls for govt action

A renowned cleric, Prophet Sam Olu Alo, the Planter, Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Adamimogo, Grace Of Mercy Prayer Mountain Worldwide, has condemned the recent killing in Ekiti State, describing it as “barbaric” and “ungodly”.

Alo expressed shock and sadness over the senseless killing of innocent lives in the state.

A popular Point of Sale (POS ) operator identified as Alfa Taofeek was murdered in front of his shop, opposite Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital (EKSUTH) while some gunmen also stormed the popular Bisi market and killed a wheelbarrow hawker selling rice.

Gunmen on motorcycles had on Tuesday this week also shot dead a ticket officer of the Okada Riders, Omoyajowo Samuel at Okesa Area of Ado Ekiti.

However, Alo in a statement by his personal assistant Deji Ogunbusuyi, called on the government and security agencies to take immediate action to apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

He noted that the killing was a reminder of the evil that has bedeviled society and the need for physical and spiritual intervention.

The cleric urged Ekiti people not to take the law into their own hands but to trust the government security agencies and seek God’s face in prayer and fasting to avert further bloodshed and chaos in the land.

He commiserated with the families of the victims and prayed that God would grant them the fortitude to bear the loss, urging the state government to take concrete steps to address the root causes of violence and ensure the safety of lives and property in the state.

On the demand by organised labour for a new minimum wage, the cleric said, “It will be good if their demand is a reduction in electricity tariff, reduction of prices of good and services, and reduction in prices of foods among others, but if N500,000 is paid as minimum wage, charges of a bricklayer per day will also increase, the mechanic will also increase their money even pepper sellers at the market will also increase their money.

“I’ve been praying over it, those in the private sectors, how will they pay minimum wage, let’s all come to the solemn assembly, if well unite and say we want to change in Nigeria and that prices of goods and services should reduce, all countries around us will know that we are fighting for a good course.

“What we are fighting for is good but its end is dangerous, the government if pushed to a certain stage will be forced to cut corners.

“Hardship will increase, and Nigeria’s situation will worsen than before even if N200,000 minimum wage is approved by the government.

“How many things will minimum buy? I pray that God should raise good human rights activists that will set our foot on the right path, I want Nigeria to be at peace, I love my country, my region, and my state, Ekiti.”

