Protect your family and wealth through citizenship by investment

The year 2020 was a challenging one, with the pandemic bringing global healthcare institutions and businesses to near collapse. Increasing economic and political uncertainty have also created an upsurge in demand for second citizenship solutions as families plan to hedge against such uncertainty.

Second citizenship is a wealth planning tool designed to protect wealth, provide greater visa-free travel access and improve the education prospects of young family members. Families around the world are increasingly looking to have backup options should they need to relocate in order to protect themselves from political instability or future pandemics.

AIM Capital Partners is a government-approved citizenship consultancy, with headquarters in the UK. Our team understands the pressing modern-day challenges facing families around the world due to increasing global geopolitical uncertainty, as well as social and economic instability. Our solutions are designed to mitigate such problems and ensure an easy and successful citizenship application process with the individual in mind.

What is Citizenship by Investment?
Citizenship by investment is simply acquiring citizenship in another country by investing in their real estate or their government bond market. The option to make a donation to a government is also available and is typically more affordable than investing in real estate or a government bond.
Through citizenship by investment, a successful applicant is entitled to the same rights as a citizen born in the respective country.

Why apply for citizenship in another country?
1. Tax
Increasing levels of national debt is concerning for professionals, since governments subsequently increase taxes in order to reduce it.

Extreme left-wing politics is on the rise in these countries, and citizenship demand is on the rise as a result. Professionals in particular are acquiring second citizenships to mitigate the risks of rising political instability in their country of residence.

For the purpose of protecting family wealth built over generations, and for protecting families from future wealth taxation, second citizenship is an important wealth planning tool in the 21st century for high-net-worth individuals.

2. Visa Free Benefits
Second citizenship allows you to enhance your visa-free travel, or pick up your second passport to travel with ease to your next business meeting.

AIM’s clients have ranged from international sports professionals to international celebrities. Such individuals acquire a second passport in order to travel without any visa restrictions, whether it is to attend meetings for an endorsement deal in Paris or travelling for a studio recording in South America.

For professionals, time is of the essence and business deals need to be completed within a short timeframe. Visa free travel is the way to do this, and visa free travel is most easily acquired with a strong passport that comes with citizenship by investment.

3. Change of lifestyle & Relocation
More and more families are choosing to relocate for lifestyle purposes. Many of AIM’s clients have chosen to escape the air pollution inseparable from living in busy cities, and to live healthier lifestyles in coastal areas or quieter cities.

Certain citizenship programmes such as those in Grenada & Montenegro also offer a quick and affordable route to USA residency through the E2 Investor visa.

The E2 visa route is ideal for families who do not wish to invest $900,000 through the EB5 route and wish to avoid the long processing times of other USA residency visas.

4. Education
The education benefits of second residency are another major reason that families choose to obtain second residency.

Families that prioritise the education of their children often relocate to countries which offer more attractive opportunities in terms of schools and universities, and this process is made easier, or sometimes possible, with the travel and residency options available to those with second citizenship.

Many countries which offer citizenship programmes are home to various recognised universities and their qualifications are recognised in countries like USA.

5. Business Expansion
Aspiring entrepreneurs are always looking for new business opportunities. Second residency can ease the process of opening a new company and setting up bank accounts for businesses.

Second residency is an integral part of many entrepreneurs’ journey to business establishment and expansion for the benefits it grants business owners with a global mindset.

6. Healthcare
During the pandemic, families have realised even more so the importance of having access to the best healthcare institutions available.

A second passport gives you visa-free access to over 140 countries, allowing you to travel immediately to another country to receive urgent medical treatment should you need to travel. The peace of mind this gives is another key reason that more and more people are seeking out their options with regards to second citizenship.

Why is ‘Citizenship by Investment’ preferred to ‘Residency by Investment’?

  • Citizenship by Investment programmes do not demand any language or an interview, whereas most residency programmes require applicants to satisfy language and interview assessments before residency can be granted.
  • Citizenship can be acquired within 6 months through Citizenship by Investment programmes whereas Residency programmes require at least 5 years’ residency before applicants can qualify for citizenship.
  • A Residency programme typically requires an applicant to travel to the country in question to submit bio metrics and in order to open a bank account. Citizenship by Investment applications, on the other hand can be completed entirely online.
  • Citizenship is granted for life and is automatically passed down to future children, providing instant security and protection for children born in politically unstable countries.
  •  Instant visa free access to over 140 countries is granted by Citizenship by Investment. Residency programmes do not enhance your visa-free travel access in the short run.

Citizenship Programmes
Grenada, also known as the ‘Spice Isle’, is famous for its unspoilt sandy beaches and exotic weather. The island is located northeast of Venezuela and southwest of Saint Vincent. An investor may qualify for Grenadian citizenship through a donation to the government fund or by investment in real estate.

Grenada is also one of the few citizenship programmes which allows you to apply for USA residency through the E2 investor visa. For the E2 investor Visa, an applicant must invest in an existing business or start a new business in the United States. If an applicant starts a business from scratch, the applicant will need to demonstrate that he made a “substantial investment” of at least $50,000 to $60,000 into the business, which should include physical office premises in the U.S. that have space for multiple U.S. employees.

The processing time for an E2 investor visa is approximately 4 months. Applicants are required to attend an interview in their country of residency. Children up to the age of 21 may study in the United States once the child is a resident in the USA.

Applicants may apply for Grenada citizenship by investing $220,000 in an approved real estate project. Additional closing and application fees are applicable during the application process.

Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia is a Caribbean island located north of Trinidad and Tobago. The country has been an independent state since 1979 and is a member of the Commonwealth Realm. The government citizenship programme offers a unique opportunity to invest in government securities and is popular amongst applicants wishing to make a low-risk investment in a government-owned asset.

An investor may also qualify for citizenship by making a donation to a government fund or by investing in real estate. The government bond investment route requires an investment of $250,000 per family. Additional closing and application fees are applicable during the application process.

The citizenship by investment industry offers a number of real estate opportunities. The team at AIM Capital has handpicked a range of investment opportunities for the programme, varying from hotel investment shares, freehold apartments and freehold villas. Applicants for the programme must invest in government approved projects in order to qualify for citizenship. The real estate projects in the citizenship by investment market are all regulated by government authorities and all developments are strictly regulated in order to ensure all projects are sustainable in the long run in terms of value, build structure and long-term rental income.

Advantages of Investing in Real Estate through Citizenship by Investment

  • An investor can resell their investment after a 5-year period through Citizenship by Investment.
  • Applicants can benefit from the lifestyle of a second home.
  • Large family citizenship applicants may find it more affordable to choose real estate investments.
  • Real estate investment can also be the best route to second citizenship for applicants from unstable regions or countries offering such applicants the option to reside in another country whenever required.
  • From a tax or wealth planning perspective, it is always advisable to invest in real estate. It is important to have a mailing address in a country of second citizenship in order to prove domicile status in a respective country whenever required by foreign authorities.
  • Owning a home in the country of second citizenship makes it easier to open a bank account and demonstrates close ties with the respective country.

Government Due Diligence
Citizenship by investment Programmes continue to go from strength to strength. Governments work closely with international intelligence agencies to ensure the vetting process of applicants remains strict and efficient. The due diligence process in our industry is one of the best in the world and prevents criminals from acquiring second citizenship. Governments also prioritise the importance of a strong due diligence process in order to protect the national security of their country and the value of their country’s passport.
In order to successfully apply for Grenada or Saint Lucia citizenship, an applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. Applicant must not have a criminal record or be under investigation for a criminal offence.
  2. Applicant must be able to make the full investment amount on approval.
  3. Applicant should not have been rejected for a visa from a country which has a visa-free travel agreement with Grenada or Saint Lucia. All visa rejections must be disclosed.
  4. Any incorrect information provided will lead to a rejection.
  5. Applicant should be healthy and not be diagnosed with a contagious disease.

Email us today at or call us on +442032876013 to learn more about the benefits of acquiring a second citizenship.


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