Protecting the digital realm: The vital importance of studying cybersecurity in Nigeria

Brian Nduka Cybersecurity Expert

In today’s rapidly evolving digital age, where information and communication technologies reign supreme, cybersecurity stands as a crucial pillar in protecting our online world. With the ever-increasing dependency on the internet, its safe and secure use has become paramount to protect individuals, businesses, and nations from potential threats. This is especially true for countries like Nigeria, where the widespread adoption of technology has brought immense benefits, but it also presents serious challenges and risks.

Cybersecurity is the practice of defending computer systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks, unauthorized access, and damage to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In essence, it is like building a strong fortress around our digital assets, shielding them from cybercriminals who seek to exploit vulnerabilities for financial gain, political motives, or even just for the thrill of causing disruption.

In Nigeria, as the digital landscape rapidly expands, so does the urgency of embracing and understanding cybersecurity. There are several key reasons why studying cybersecurity is of utmost importance in the context of Nigeria:

Protecting Personal Data: In our interconnected world, we share vast amounts of personal information online, from financial details to sensitive health records. Cybersecurity education empowers individuals to recognize potential risks and adopt best practices to safeguard their personal data from falling into the wrong hands. It is worthy of note that on the 14th of June 2023, President Bola Tinubu took a significant step by signing the Data Protection Act of 2023 into law. The primary goal of this Act is to ensure the protection of fundamental rights, freedoms, and the interests of data subjects, as enshrined in Nigeria’s 1999 Constitution. Among its provisions, the Act introduces the Nigeria Data Protection Commission (the Commission) to replace the previous Nigeria Data Protection Bureau (NDPB), which was established during former President Buhari’s tenure.

The Act addresses several crucial aspects of data protection, including the processing of personal data, protecting the rights of data subjects, the formation and functioning of the Data Protection Commission, data security measures, regulations for cross-border data transfers, and the management of data breaches.

Protecting National Security: The interconnectedness of government systems and critical infrastructure exposes Nigeria to cyber threats that could compromise national security. Studying cybersecurity enables professionals to defend against such attacks, preventing potential disruptions to essential services and ensuring the country’s safety. During the recently concluded 2-Day 2023 Cyber Secure Nigeria Conference in Abuja, the National Security Adviser (NSA), Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, highlighted the vital role of a sustainable cybersecurity system in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 Agenda. He emphasized the government’s commitment to protecting Nigeria’s cyberspace, which is facing a rising tide of attacks by cybercriminals.

Ribadu expressed that, efforts are underway to fortify Nigeria’s cybersecurity landscape, with specific attention to amending the Cybercrimes Prohibition and Prevention Act of 2015. Additionally, the government is actively considering valuable inputs from stakeholders, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and virtual assets, as part of the amendment process to address emerging cyber threats effectively. These measures demonstrate the government’s dedication to ensuring the security and integrity of Nigeria’s digital ecosystem.

Economic Resilience: Nigeria’s economy is increasingly driven by digital technology, with a growing number of businesses conducting transactions online. Cyberattacks targeting companies not only result in financial losses but also damage consumer trust. By investing in cybersecurity education, businesses can protect their assets and ensure the continuity of their operations. A considerable number of individuals and business owners remain unaware of the potential risks they face in the digital realm. Many are careless with their card and banking information, while some small businesses neglect to invest in even basic cybersecurity infrastructure, such as anti-virus protection for their computers. This lack of precaution often results in staff members unknowingly accessing compromised sites and inadvertently introducing malware into
their networks.

Addressing this issue, the Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023 report emphasizes the need to expand the cybersecurity talent pool to combat these threats effectively. While some successful cybersecurity skills programs exist worldwide, the challenge lies in scaling them up to handle larger numbers. To overcome this obstacle, the report emphasizes the importance of greater cross-industry collaboration and public-private partnerships.
The report, produced in collaboration with Accenture, stresses that fostering awareness and preparedness within organizations can help strike a balance between embracing the value of new technology and mitigating the cyber risks that accompany it.

Geopolitical changes are also impacting the legal, regulatory, and technological landscape. In response to the escalating global instability that heightens cyber risk, the report calls for renewed cooperation among all stakeholders, both from the public and private sectors, responsible for our shared digital infrastructure. The joint effort is aimed at building security, resilience, and trust in the digital space.

Furthermore, cybersecurity considerations are now influencing strategic business decisions. According to the Cybersecurity Outlook 2023 research, 50 percent of participants reported that cybersecurity plays a significant role when evaluating countries for investment and business ventures. This demonstrates the growing importance of cybersecurity in shaping business strategies and operations.

Countering Cybercrime: Cybercriminals often exploit gaps in cybersecurity to carry out fraudulent activities, such as phishing scams, ransomware attacks, and identity theft. Worst hit in Nigeria are the banks, with universities and even government agencies like the National Population Commission and the Independent National Electoral Commission suffering one or another type of these attacks in recent times.

Studying cybersecurity equips law enforcement with the necessary skills to investigate and apprehend these criminals, promoting a safer online environment for everyone.

Fostering Innovation: A solid cybersecurity foundation nurtures a culture of innovation and technological advancement. When individuals and organizations feel confident in their online safety, they are more likely to explore new ideas and embrace digital transformation, leading to technological progress in various sectors.

To address the importance of studying cybersecurity, initiatives need to be taken at various levels. Some suggestions are:

Education and Awareness: Cybersecurity awareness campaigns should be conducted across educational institutions, businesses, and government organizations. Non-technical personnel should also be encouraged to participate in cybersecurity training programs tailored to their needs.

Government Support: The Nigerian government should prioritize cybersecurity initiatives and allocate resources to build a robust cybersecurity infrastructure. Collaborative efforts with international partners can help in sharing knowledge and best practices.

Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between public and private sectors can strengthen the country’s cybersecurity capabilities. Private companies can invest in training their employees, while the government provides the necessary framework and support.

Continuous Learning: As cyber threats evolve; the knowledge and skills of cybersecurity professionals must keep pace. Continuous learning through workshops, conferences, and certifications will enhance their ability to combat sophisticated cyber-attacks effectively.

In conclusion, cybersecurity education is not a luxury but a necessity in today’s digital age, particularly in Nigeria, where the benefits of technology come hand in hand with the risks of cyber threats. By prioritizing cybersecurity education and implementing proactive measures, we can fortify our digital landscape, ensuring a secure and prosperous future for all Nigerians. Let us collectively work towards creating a safer cyber environment, where everyone can thrive without fear of falling victim to cybercriminals.


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