Protesters storm utility firm over power outages

power21-300x225CITING perennial power outages in their localities, hundreds of residents yesterday marched to the premises of Benin Electricity Distribution Company (BEDC) in Benin City, the Edo State to register their anger over what they described as “horrific and epileptic power supply” to the of over four communities.

The protesters, barricaded all entrances to the utility firm, demanded for uninterrupted supply which they alleged BEDC had denied them for two months.

The Guardian saw a number of them preparing meals at the gates with makeshift fire points indicative that they were prepared to tarry until their request was granted them by the management.

It was also learnt that the consumers were agitating for their reconnection to the Government Reservation Area (GRA) Feeder which they argued guaranteed better supply in the past.

Meanwhile, BEDC’s Corporate Affairs Manager, Curtis Nwadei, said the affected communities were indebted to his company to the tune of N28,140,962,26, adding that the clamour for return to GRA Feeder was unrealistic as the BEDC was not responsible for the relocation of the communities as the exercise took place long ago before BEDC bought the company from the defunct PHCN.

One of the protesters, a legal practitioner, Barr. Destiny Eguavoen, said the incessant power outage in the affected communities which include Ogbe-Ibuya, Aerodrome Close, Trade-fair, Evbotubu and Ugbiyoko all in Oredo Local Council of the state capital was worrisome.

“The light situation is so bad that we hardly get power supply for five minutes a day. We used to have good supply of power at least sixteen hours daily until BEDC for no reason disconnect us from the GRA Feeder which we have been using and added our communities to another feed, that has continuously affected supply of electricity to our areas from the usual sixteen hours daily to only five minutes daily. We want them to return us back to the GRA Feeder. Our power supply was satisfactory with supply from the GRA Feeder and not this new feeder in Evbotubu, which we hardly get supply from in the last three years,” Eguavoen said.

Another protester, who identified himself as Curtis Obaghiagbon, said members of the communities had depended on generators to power their homes.

“There are 2688 houses in these communities and they all pay fixed charges. You can imagine how much they are making from us every month.

“I came from Austria where I am based last week. Ever since I arrived, I have been buying petrol to run my generator every day. If I can afford it, not everybody can afford it. This is not sustainable. It has to stop,” he said.

Armed policemen were, however, on ground to forestall breakdown of law and order.

