PSN dismisses report on substandard local paracetamols

Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN)

President of, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN), Prof. Cyril Usifoh, has said locally manufactured paracetamol brands meet standards set by the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

This affirmation follows recent reports from various media outlets (excluding The Guardian) claiming that a number of paracetamols sold in Nigeria fall below the specified BP and WHO standards.

Usifoh, who spoke exclusively in a phone interview with The Guardian emphasised the commitment of Nigerian pharmaceutical manufacturers to ensuring quality and efficacy of paracetamol, a widely used pain reliever. He pointed out that local brands meet the established standards.

The PSN president’s affirmation came in response to a study in 2023, titled: ‘Comparative Analysis of Five Different Brands of Paracetamol Sold in Nigeria with British Pharmacopoeia Standards.’

Usifoh made a distinction between locally produced and imported paracetamol.

He said: “The quality of paracetamol from local manufacturers meets the British Pharmacopoeia standards, but we cannot vouch for the ones that are being imported. It is the NAFDAC’s responsibility to find out if the quality they brought in meets specs.”

The study, which was published in the journal, Communication in Physical Sciences, showed that paracetamol concentrations in five different samples of tablets were 358, 185, 320, 250 and 285mg, respectively, below 500mg, the recommended standards by BP and WHO.


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