Public Private Partnership as panacea to unemployment

unemploymentFOR the vision behind the Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiative to succeed, experts have advocated for maximum support from the three tiers government.

Specifically, they adduced that such ample co-operation will enable private firms key into the initiatives, thus creating employment opportunities in the already porous labour market

Speaking against this backdrop, Managing Director of MeritChoice Limited, Gbeminiyi Oluwabusola, lamented the poor state of infrastructure in the country and “ the absence of incentives to boost entrepreneurship”.

The MeritChoice boss, whose company held an empowerment summit in Lagos, recently, lamented the poor power supply and state of the nation’s roads and land acquisition challenges, stressing that these deserve urgent attention.

According to him, “business is very scary even for us that are empowering people to become entrepreneurs. You need to know what it costs to run an internet radio where a lot of money is spent on fuel because there is no regular electricity supply. So, power is key. And for our agriculture business, the roads are so bad in the cities as well as in the rural arrears Presently, we are buying hectares of lands in millions for plantations of various crops under our agriculture project, but it is hard to get technical or even financial support from government. Though, government claims that there are loans for young entrepreneurs, but it is not readily available. It is not easy for people to access. There is no adequate education or awareness about what government is doing to encourage entrepreneurship, except for few laudable support from organizations, like the World Bank sponsored FADAMA project, which assists farmers to commence some level of rice production and its value chain”. Certainly, if we are able to enjoy required support from the government, that would enable us to empower more people and take many more people out of poverty and unemployment”.

During the programme, tagged “MeritChoice ProfitReloaded Summit, participants were enlightened on how to become self employed through mini-importation, export, online business and agriculture among others.

In his presentation, Patrick Ogidi, who spoke on Mini importation business said that paucity of funds is not a barrier to starting a business if there is determination and goodwill. “If you have a business idea, and you are determined, your goodwill will fetch the money; so, be known as a trustworthy person, be known as a good person, that is goodwill”.

Ogidi advised participants to be sure that the products to be imported for sale are in sufficient demand, adding that they should explore the marketing opportunity provided by reputable online sites where they can display their products.

Also speaking on car importation, Chief Executive Officer of Great World International, Greatness Ileogben, said lack of initial capital is not a limitation when starting car importation, but that the trader must have built trust, goodwill and integrity to be able to attract financial assistance to start off the business. Both speakers took participants through how to go through the whole import business profitably.

Commenting after the summit, participants described it as worthwhile. To an Accountant with Queue Edge Limited, Lagos, Abiola Nurayn;“The summit was an eye opener, which expanded my scope and made me appreciate entrepreneurship”.

As for Tokunbo Ajayi, who simply described himself as a Business Executive, the platform afforded an opportunity to be exposed to a lot of businesses like agriculture, transportation and real estate. “It is a useful platform for both old and young to achieve their potentials” Ajayi added.

