Quantity surveyors urge FG, cement firms to reduce prices

The new NIQS headquarters in Mabushi, Abuja

The Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS) has tasked the Federal Government and Cement Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (CMAN) on the need to reduce price of cement in the country.

NIQS president, Mohammed Abba Tor, who spoke during a press conference in Abuja, appealed to the cement manufacturers to consider a reduction in the price of cement beyond the Economic Sustainability Plan (ESP) for the benefit of the citizenry.

Tor noted that cement has a multiplier effect on other components of building construction, adding that if its high cost is not properly addressed, it would affect efforts to provide affordable houses for the lower strata of the society.

He urged the cement manufacturers to extend their gesture of supplying the product on discounted rates for the social housing to other high impact projects.

Tor urged government to holistically look at the inflationary effect on cost of building materials and provide concessions to local manufacturers. he said such concessions will provide employment for the youths and bring down the cost of building materials in the country.

He said: “The exchange rate is impacting negatively on the cost of engineering projects. Government should engage the cement manufacturers further with a view to extending the discount to other areas.

“There should be some deliberate efforts by the government to encourage the manufacturing of building materials in the country. Covid-19 came with a lot of challenges, our production rate at building sites are encumbered and affecting the delivery of ongoing projects.”

Tor further said that the institute plans to reduce the negative effects of COVID-19 by embracing emerging technologies and online platforms, adding that the issue of building collapse requires a united front from all the professional bodies.

He advised clients to engage the services of qualified engineers because in most cases of building collapses, it’s difficult to find any registered engineers involved.

The NIQS boss stressed that the institute has developed a template for sanctioning members involved in any building infraction.

He commended the Federal Government for embarking on the construction of 300,000 social housing units across the country under the Economic Sustainability Plan (ESP).

Tor stressed the need for a government driven social housing scheme to ensure that Nigerians benefit from dividends of democracy.

“NIQS and its members remain committed to partnering with Government in providing cost management services of developmental projects for the benefit of our teeming populace,” he added.


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