Queen Blessing Ebigieson: Living her Nollywood dreams

She was recently elected Vice President of the Association of Movie Producers (AMP), the leading professional association for movie producers in Nigeria. But that is not all to Queen Blessing Ebigieson.

Here is a humane personality who is many things rolled into one. Queen Blessing is not just a seasoned actress, but she is a model, TV host, movie producer, administrator and the Founder and President of Queen Blessing Foundation-an NGO geared towards ameliorating the plight of the less privileged Nigerians, especially indigent widows.

A native of Okpella in Etsako East Local Council of Edo State, Queen has virtually cut across all areas of entertainment including modelling and dancing since she made up her mind a little over two decades ago to strut the entertainment turf. In fact ever since she joined the motion picture industry, Queen has experienced a stellar rise to stardom. Today she is ranked amongst the notable practitioners and if you like influential personalities of the Nollywood industry.

Born in Benue State and raised in the Northern part of Nigeria, Queen Blessing was educated at the Federal Polytechnic Bida in Niger State. Popular as Black Queen amongst her fans and admirers, Queen studied Mass Communication at the Polytechnic in Bida. It was while at Bida that she made up her mind to take acting as a career.

But her acting career as revealed kicked off in the year 2000. Since then, Queen has starred in over 60 movies and television soap operas including Super Story, Eldorado, Girls Next Door, Moment of Joy, Sweet Love, Pretty Angels, Romantic touch and Evil Genius.

A very busy motion picture practitioner who combines acting, producing and humanitarian work so well, Queen produced some notable movies including Borokini, Lori Ere, Ejomiko and T.N.K, which was premiered abroad to critical acclaim. Some of the movies in her creative pouch include Romantic Attraction, Power of Trust, Lost Love, Empty Coffin, Omo Butty, Aje Ni Mope, and Back 2 Back.

A recipient of so many awards including distinguished actress of the year (2012) by SOCOM Award and Eldorado Entertainment Award (for her contributions towards the growth of the movie industry and her passion for humanity), close friends of the widely travelled practitioner describe her as courteous, friendly and unassuming. However, they revealed that beneath her simplicity, modesty and pristine beauty is a young lady with a ‘huge’ heart! It is the huge heart that led Queen to establish the Queen Blessing Foundation (QBF).

The foundation was established in 2013 with “the aim of showing love to widows, thereby putting smiles on their faces,” she explained.

So, every year since 2013, the pretty and always gorgeously dressed actress and producer makes it a point of duty to commemorate St. Valentine’s Day with the widows in different states.

“I led the QBF to celebrate widows in Okpella in Edo State in 2013 and to shower them with gifts and cash. The next year, 2014 we collaborated with Olukoga Support Foundation to celebrate Valentine’s Day with widows in Lagos State at Ikorodu West Local Council Development Authority (LCDA). Apart from making the day a fulfilled one for the widows, over 200 wrappers, sewing machines, cash, and other gifts are showered on the widows some of whom have described the gestures as rare and we have continued like that every year with the recent one we held on February 14 inside the palace of the Oluibadan,” she said.

An actress, producer and philanthropist who has carved a niche for herself with her movies and charity works, Queen Blessing who recently hosted the 7th edition of her yearly valentine special show for the widows and aged women in Ibadan, Oyo State, South West Nigeria had explained in reaction to a question on what drives her as a woman, producer and as an actress that she is driven by her desire to excel in all she does.

“As a woman and a mother, my drive to be a blessing to others just as my name implies push me to do more every year. And apart from making the reach out days to widows and the less privileged a fulfilled one, over 200 wrappers, sewing machines, cash, and other gifts been showered on the widows who described the gestures as rare. It was in appreciation that I was honoured just this February 14 with the Golden Mother Award by the Sound of Joy Prayer Outreach at the Queen blessing Foundation Widows Support programme which took place at the palace of Olubadan of Ibadanland In Recognition of My Contribution Towards The Women Empowerment In Nigeria and Diaspora. As a movie producer, it is the feedback I get from those who watch my movies and the feedback has been so remarkable. I have been able to get my voice heard professionally through those films. As for acting, it is what I love to do and for me, the drive is in playing roles that will help change and improve society,’’ she said.

Asked about her career ambition, Queen who has received a couple of humanitarian ambassador award, including Lifetime achievement humanitarian ambassador award from Queen blessing foundation, replied, “been in Nollywood for 21 years; I was just 19 years old when I came in. I joined the producer’s club 11 years ago and I have done over 50 films, including over 12 produced by my production company BQ productions. I believe that in the next 20 year I will still be here making movies and telling our stories as there is still a lot of untold stories that must be told. I believe we must keep telling our stories to shape the world. In fact I am launching my latest movie and the first book I wrote in furtherance of my wish to continue to tell our stories.”


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