Radda orders Katsina MDAs to adopt TSA 

Dr. Dikko Umaru Radda

Katsina State Governor, Dikko Radda, has ordered Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to adopt the Treasury Single Account (TSA) for all transactions.

The governor gave the order in a circular entitled: ‘Treasury Single Account Direction Notice 2023’, and dated July 3, 2023. He also directed immediate implementation.

Radda, in a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Ibrahim Mohammed, directed the Accountant General to prescribe framework within which the MDAs “shall conduct their bank/cash management under the TSA”. 

The statement reads: “The Commissioner for Finance, Accountant General and the Auditor General shall ensure compliance to this directive.” It added that the directive was in exercise of the power conferred on the governor by Section 5(2) of the Constitution and other similar powers.

“Without prejudice to Section 120 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), all revenues and monies accruing and forming the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF), including funds from Excess Crude Account (ECA), grants or donations for Katsina State, shall be paid into a unified account to be referred to as TSA, out of which all expenditure incurred or approved to be incurred shall be defrayed or paid,” the governor stated.


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