Rapid home-tests for Coronavirus in UK- The facts, types, manufacturers and accuracy of results

Gone are the days when we had to rely solely on the NHS PCR tests to know our COVID-19 status.Thanks to advancements in technology and research, home testing is now a possibility, albeit a supplementary one to the PCR approach. Although some of the Covid-19 home test kits need guidance from a medic or to be conducted with assistance from a specialist, tests such as the Healgen COVID-19 Antigen test can be administered by laypersons.

Not only that, Rapid home-tests are also relatively cheaper compared to the time
and labor-intensive PCR test and they deliver quick and accurate results in the comfort of your home.

Overall, home-tests are hailed as the ideal solution to aid in controlling the
pandemic through mass testing.Given that most of the coronavirus transmissions are done by asymptomatic individuals, home test kits help in flagging Covid 19 positive individuals and halting further spread, as we shall see shortly.

Types of COVID-19 Home-Tests Available in the Market Today.
There are two main types of COVID-19 home tests categorized based on the manner in which they work. The first category is the COVID-19 Antigen Tests, while the second is the COVID-19Antibody Tests. The Rapid Antigen Tests are designed to test current COVID-19 infections, while Antibody tests address past infections or infections in asymptomatic persons.

The following are the leading companies that offer Antigen and Antibody test kits in the UK:
a) HandStations.co.uk
HandStations.co.uk is one of the premier home test kit providers in the UK. The
brand is duly licensed by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency
The company’s Healgen COVID-19 Antigen Tests only take 15 minutes to administer and get results.Its other home test products on offer include the Healgen COVID-19 Antibody Test and the Panodyne COVID-19 Antigen Test.

b) Boots UK
Although the Boots antigen and antibody home tests are available, they come
with a few caveats.For starters, you can only access them on appointment at one of the five Boots outlets around the country.That might present a hassle should your location be far from any of these stores.

In addition, these tests are not entirely done at home but must be conducted with a trained specialist's assistance.

c) Lloyds Pharmacy
You can order a home test from Lloyds Pharmacy UK, which will deliver the kit
within 2-3 days of your order.Upon receipt of the kit, you will need to take the samples and send them back
for analysis, after which results will be dispatched to you once ready. In this case, the soonest you can expect results is within 3-days of the clinic’s
receipt of your samples.

Otherwise, depending on the circumstances of your case, results could even take longer than the three days.As with all the home tests mentioned above, the Lloyds tests take a shorter duration than the PCR tests.

COVID-19 Home-Tests and Their Accuracy.
As far as the Antibody tests are concerned, the Healgen COVID-19 Antibody test recorded a 99.4% – 100% accuracy rate according to the FDA.

On the other hand, the MHRA and the Department of Health and Social Care gave the Healgen COVID-19 Antigen test an accuracy of 98.74%.

According to the medical experts, the accuracy deficits witnessed are occasioned by the likelihood of human error during the conduct of the tests. They are not indicative of any fallacy on the part of the test itself. These high accuracy rankings have made the Healgen set of tests the most reliable
home tests in the UK.

As a result, they are the most sought-after COVID-19 home tests by institutions and individuals in the UK.

COVID-19 Home Tests and Insurance.
Some insurance providers such as Vitality UK do cater to COVID-19 home testing costs. However, this also depends on the tenor of your individual policy and whether or not you are symptomatic.

However, for most insurance companies, the COVID-19 home testing costs are
borne by the patient. The decision as to whether medical attention is required depends on the outcome of your test.

The Three Best COVID-19 Home Tests in the UK Compared
Healgen COVID-19 Antigen Test
● Where to find it: Online at HandStation.co.uk
● Type of test: Antigen test
● Need for prescription: None
● Cost: £98.99 per box of 20 tests
● Suitable for: Asymptomatic and symptomatic persons
● How long it takes: 15 minutes
Healgen COVID-19 Antibody Test
● Where to find it: Online at HandStation.co.uk
● Type of test: Antibody test
● Need for prescription: None
● Cost: £119.99 per box of 25 tests
● Suitable for: Asymptomatics and those who have been in contact with symptomatic persons

● How long it takes: 15 minutes Panodyne COVID-19 Antigen Test
● Where to find it: Online at HandStation.co.uk
● Type of test: Antigen test
● Need for prescription: None
● Cost: £12.99 per box of 24 tests
● Suitable for: Asymptomatic and symptomatic persons
● How long it takes: 15 minutes
Panodyne COVID-19 Antibody Test
● Where to find it: Online at HandStation.co.uk
● Type of test: Antigen test
● Need for prescription: None
● Cost: £179.99 per box of
● Suitable for: Asymptomatic and symptomatic persons
● How long it takes: 15 minutes
Boots Rapid Antigen Test
● Where to find it: Order Online at Boots.com, then visit the store for
● Type of test: Antigen test
● Need for prescription: None
● Cost: £79.99 per test
● Suitable for: Asymptomatic and symptomatic persons
● How long it takes: 3/ more days
Lloyds Swab Test Kit
● Where to find it: Online at lloydspharmacy.com to place an order
and consultation
● Type of test: PCR test
● Need for prescription: None
● Cost: £110.00 per test
● Suitable for: Asymptomatic and symptomatic persons
● How long it takes: 3/more days


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