RCCG equips sickbay in Lagos school

THE moribund sick bay of Agidingbi Senior Grammar School, Ikeja recently got a face-lift as Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Israel Assembly through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme refurbished and equipped the near-collapsed bay to manage remote health challenges of the students.

   The church totally refurbished the school’s sick bay and made it into a clinic by installing new electrical and plumbing works as well as new ceiling. Also put in place are clinic furniture, medical consumables, simple medical equipment like sphygmomanometers for Blood Pressure (BP) measurement, digital thermometers and nebulizer machine for emergency asthma treatment.

   These provisions and an abridged drug formulary developed in the clinic, according to Pastor-in-Charge, RCCG, Israel Assembly Zone, Pastor Dapo Awosika were done with the aim to manage cuts and bruises, sprains and mild injuries, fevers, headaches, sudden ill health like diarrheas, emergencies like breathing problems, allergies among others.

   Awosika while speaking at the event said that the gesture is in fulfillment of one of the cardinal point of the church and the General Overseer, Pastor Enoch A. Adegboye which is to minister not only to the spiritual needs of their immediate communities, but also their physical and social needs. 

   He disclosed that the church in the last few years has adopted a specific policy of increased emphasis on CSR which aim it is to make the church more relevant to every community in which it operates and positively affect their lives irrespective of religion or denomination.

