Re: ‘He Uses My Past Against Me’

relationship12-400x300IT is most unfriendly to use one’s past against a person who confided in you. It is worst when such a person is someone you love. Thank God that there is no marital vow for now which would have been a worst case situation.

This gives room for rediscovery of why you are created. My simple advice is take a break from the relationship, go out and rediscover who you are and don’t go gaga because of a dispassionate lover.

If you love a thing let it go. If he comes back, he is yours, but if he does not come back, he was never meant for you. Life is for the living and if you die because of him, he may find a replacement from those that may have come for your funeral.

It is time to wise up little princess and stop crying over spilt milk. — Osim jones

