Re: Keshi, Oliseh and Nigeria’s football


SIR: Kindly permit me a space to record my observation on the editorial of Monday July 20, 2015 edition of our ageless and inestimable The Guardian.

It is a statement of fact that Stephen Keshi has served his country and deserves respect, however the second round exit at the Brazil 2014 World Cup where he led the Eagles to a 0-2 loss to the French les Blues (courtesy of a Paul Pogba 79 mins and Joseph Yobo’s 92mins goals) could not be labelled an “early ouster” and certainly not disastrous even for a continental champion.

Of the five Continental champions on parade (Tahiti was absent), the trio of Nigeria, Uruguay and Mexico were all eliminated in the second round while the duo of Japan and Spain (also defending Champion) could not make it past the first round.

It is essential this achievement that equalled the most successful era in 1994 should not be underplayed. I concur that it could have been better, but it was definitely not a disastrous period. It is time we accord our prophets the necessary accolades due. The Lars Largerback contract prior to the 2010 World Cup and early ouster from the competition duly qualifies as a disaster.



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