Reduce heat, build homes with bricks

Staying home during the heatwave can be frustrating, especially at night. It’s even worse in this part of the world where electricity is being rationed. This is why building houses with bricks may be the solution to the discomfort felt at home during the summer as it cools indoor temperature by regulating heat, due to the natural properties composition.

  Effect of building with bricks
Bricks absorb humidity better than any other building material and minimise the chances of mould, mildew, and dust mites. Bricks also absorb sounds and vibrations, diffuse water, aid drying and provide zero nourishment for microorganisms, which results in zero moulds.

Interestingly, brick is one of the most abundant and natural materials on earth. It is made from clay and shale, which are some of the earth’s most plentiful materials, and have been used to build structures all over the world due to its eco-friendliness and durability.
Making of Bricks
Bricks are manufactured by grinding clay in mills and then mixed with water to make it plastic. The plastic clay is then moulded, textured, dried, and finally fired.
These compositions combine perfectly with passive building design to harness natural sources of energy. The natural density and hot insulating qualities of clay moderate building temperature and reduce energy consumption rates, thereby providing comfort.
Also, bricks are manufactured in different colours: red, dark brown, and dull brown, depending on the fire temperature during manufacturing. The firing temperature for brick manufacturing varies from 900°C to 1200°C (1650°F to 2200°F).

 Advantages Of Brick Homes
. Ecofriendly – Bricks come from clay and shale
. Temperature control and energy efficient – Provides warmth in winter and cool in summer.
. User and maintenance friendly
. Fire and weather resistant.
. Sound proof
. Limitless design possibilities


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