Reorder your priorities, Obong of Calabar tells protesting Efik subjects

Obong of Calabar and the treaty King of the Efik Kingdom, Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi Otu V, has called on those disenchanted by his re-emergence after the Supreme Court’s judgment on January 13, to reorder their priorities and begin to put the will of the people above personal interests.

Recall that on January 13, 2023, the Supreme Court, in a judgment by Justice Amina Augie, affirmed the decision of the Court of Appeal on the disputed stool, and ordered that a fresh election for the position be conducted, and on January 18 Edidem Abasi-Otu was re-elected.

But a group of Etuboms had in a statement signed by its Chairman, Etubom Essien Ekpenyong Efiok; Secretary,  Etubom Micah Archibong VI, and the Chairman, Central Calabar Traditional Rulers Council and Paramount Ruler of Calabar South, Etubom Nyong Effiom Okon JP, claimed the election was not in accordance with the January 13, 2023 judgment of the Supreme Court that sacked Abasi-Otu and demaded a fresh selection.

But Abasi-Otu in reaction, yesterday, condemned, what he called, an attempt to distort the apex court’s judgment and to question his re-selection as the Obong of Calabar.

The Obong, who said this while playing host to the executives and members of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Cross River State Council, declared: “This throne has been there for so many centuries and it is not something to toy with. But, unfortunately, it is not the people outside that are trying to ridicule the throne; it is sons and daughters of this kingdom, who are doing this. We will continue to kick against it.”

On what he described as “fake news and endless bickering from opposing forces,” the royal father said: “What we have has been a disheartening situation, but not withstanding, you know as human beings, we expect all these things to happen.”

The monarch urged journalists to be fair in their reports, saying: “Let us have the true picture of what is happening; not fake news. Today, there is more of fake news than factual information in this country.”

Earlier in his speech, Gill, said: “We, the professionals have followed the litigation with keen interest and are happy to see it come to an end, with the will of the people prevailing over individuality and personal interests.”

He assured the monarch that journalists under his watch will continue to abide by professional ethics and at all times seek to report what is factual.


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