Reps caucus gives Tinubu ultimatum to end insecurity 

President Bola Tinubu

• CDS assures farmers of safety as planting season begins

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Caucus in the House of Representatives has given President Bola Tinubu three months to resolve the worsening insecurity across the country or face mass mobilisation of Nigerians on the issue.

The minority lawmakers said they remain united, indivisible and committed to acting as a watchdog on behalf of the Nigerian people. Leader of the caucus, Kingsley Chinda, issued the ultimate after their meeting in Abuja, yesterday.
 He said: “We have just concluded the third meeting of the Peoples Democratic Party Caucus in the 10th Assembly, and we have resolved firstly, to tell all of us and the world that the PDP Caucus in the House of Representatives remains united, indivisible, committed and out to perform her duty as the watchdog on behalf of the Nigerian people.
“In the same vein, we x-rayed the security situation in our country and resolved that we can no longer take this situation where Nigeria is today almost tagged as one life, one-minute silence. The government is, therefore, called upon to immediately take steps to ensure that the security situation in the country is normalised, and the caucus has also given a three-month ultimatum for the government to normalise the security situation in our country. After three months, the caucus will take further steps to sensitise and mobilise Nigerians to perhaps take their security into their hands.”

SIMILARY, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Christopher Musa, yesterday, assured farmers of adequate security as the 2023/2024 planting season begins.
The CDS, who gave the assurance during a courtesy visit to the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Abubakar Kyari, added that President Bola Tinubu had mandated the service chiefs to prioritise the safety of farmers for a bumper harvest.
His words: “Farmers should expect enhanced security. The President has given us the mandate to ensure that farmers can go back to the farm so that we can have a bumper harvest.”
Musa stressed that everyone has a role to play in securing the country, hence his visit to seek the support of the ministry.Responding, the minister listed the various challenges like banditry and conflicts that are affecting food production in the country. He appealed to the security agencies to scale up efforts to boost food production in Nigeria.


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