Residents laud Faleke free food initiative

Faleke (middle) overseeing the distribution of food items to the beneficiaries at the event

Residents of communities under Ikeja Federal Constituency, Lagos State, have lauded the gesture of the House of Representatives member representing the area, James Abiodun Faleke for his food distribution initiative to his constituents.

The free food initiative, which started on April 11, 2024, has reached over 8,500 beneficiaries from a proposed target of 10,000 people, to lessen the suffering of the people in the face of the current economic hardship in the country.

Unlike the similar initiatives done in the past, beneficiaries were picked at random, irrespective of party affiliation, tribe or religion. They were invited via their phone numbers and only required to present their means of identification at the collection centre at the Faleke’s campaign office, Ikeja.

One of the beneficiaries, Mrs. Oluwaranti Gboyega, a resident of Akute, told The Guardian: “When they called me to come for the foodstuffs, I was reluctant. I thought it was the handiwork of scammers, especially with the state of the economy for someone to be sharing free food.

“They called me up to 10 times before I decided to take the risk. When I was about leaving the house, I called the number and I was told to come. I was panicking but for my children who told me to summon courage and encouraged me, I wouldn’t have come…”

“When I got here, like other beneficiaries, they gave me semovita and rice. I was really surprised based on the fact that someone can still have the heart of giving in this biting economy. It is actually a good initiative. If all political office holders, who were voted to represent us can follow this step, the masses will be stress-free and poverty will be eradicated in the land.”

Another beneficiary, Alimah Olusesan, a resident of Alausa, who confirmed that the initiative has been on for weeks, said he also received calls from the distribution centre.

“I didn’t want to come; it was the insistence of my children that made me to come. I should have come by Saturday but I delayed it till Sunday. I was happy receiving this; it is actually devoid of politics.

“Hon Faleke is really trying in Ikeja Constituency; I want to encourage other leaders to emulate his gesture so that life will be easier for people…”

When asked the aim of the initiative, the Coordinator of the free food initiative, Comrade Akeem Olalekan Dauda, said Faleke believes that as the election has come and gone, it is time for governance, noting that as poverty has no colour, he decided to provide food for his constituent.

“The initiative is new in political circle and is often used during election. Arising from what happened in the last election, we lost by over 11,000 votes and from our research we find out that we need to do more for the electorate, create more awareness and reach out to people of our Constituency through dividends of democracy. Some of the people called are not politicians and they appreciate the process and the gifts,” he said.

He added that the programme is to support the president’s hope agenda, in ensuring that price of food stuffs comes down and available for people. (PIX-FALEKE)


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