Reverse narrative on insecurity, Mark tells FG

Former President of the Senate, David Mark, called on the Federal Government to strive hard to reverse the negative perception of Nigerians towards it by responding positively to the yearnings and aspirations of the citizens in the New Year.

Mark, in a goodwill message to Nigerians marking the New Year, said the negative perception about the country would be reversed if the deteriorating security situation improved significantly.

According to him, such negative perception eroding the trust and confidence of the people include unabating insecurity, killings, insurgency, kidnapping, banditry, and unemployment.

“We must approach the issues honestly and objectively. We must call a spade its rightful name. A society where no one is sure of safety, means of livelihood, or where people live in perpetual fear cannot guarantee steady investment or development.

“It is time for all citizens, both the governors and the governed, to collaborate and rise in one accord to say enough is enough in order to save our country,” he said.

To the former Senate president, “This is not the time for anyone to play the ostrich or politics over issues that affect our wellbeing. We cannot be neutral or partisan in the battle to save our country.”

He cautioned: “Those who resort or cling to our emotional fault lines of ethnicity or religion for personal interest or self-preservation at the slightest compunction are advised to think otherwise. This is the time to prove our patriotism and love for our country.”


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